Teller Report

Underestimate Esquerra

1/3/2020, 10:22:53 AM

Cynics say the PSOE-ERC agreement is just "a piece of paper worthless" where an ambiguous language has agreed a nothing that satisfies both parties: the PSOE wins a

The cynics say that the PSOE-ERC agreement is only "a piece of paper without any value" where an ambiguous language has agreed a nothing that satisfies both parties: the PSOE wins an endowment and ERC steals the focus to PDeCAT . Sanchez, Iglesias and Junqueras win. They lose Married and Torra. There will be government and on the left. As for the agreement, it will not lead to anything because the PSOE will never allow a referendum, so after getting a little dizzy the partridge we will return to the starting point . Final Balance:

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