Teller Report

Sánchez, hostage of convicted, escaped and disabled

1/3/2020, 9:22:31 PM

The Congress of Deputies hosts this Saturday, on the weekend and on the eve of the feast of Kings, the first session of the Plenary Session of Pedro Sánchez. Unlike

The Congress of Deputies hosts this Saturday, on the weekend and on the eve of the feast of Kings, the first session of the Plenary Session of Pedro Sánchez. Unlike the two previous occasions in which he failed, the leader of the PSOE has at his disposal to save a pyrrhic parliamentary majority after bowing to Podemos and a sum of minority formations including solvent support for national sovereignty such as ERC or Bildu proetarras. The price to tie the endowment is an expensive toll. The PSOE breaks the constitutionalist block, erodes the 78 pact and legitimizes the framework imposed by the separatists. And this coinciding with two decisions of the Central Electoral Board (JEC). Both the disqualification of Quim Torra from his status as a deputy - which entails his resignation as president of the Generalitat - as of Oriol Junqueras - the JEC does not process his MEP credential and takes away his immunity - have unforeseeable consequences. In any case, it increases the pressure on ERC before the investiture and accentuates the weakness of the coalition that will govern Spain.

After his disqualification - adopted with six particular votes -, Torra ratified his challenge by withdrawing for a few moments the flag of Spain from the Palace of the Generalitat, ensuring that "only the Parliament" can dismiss him and calling a plenary session for this Saturday to reaffirm as president in which Esquerra will seek to drag the PSC. The valid one of Puigdemont was condemned by the Court of Justice of Catalonia for disobeying the orders to withdraw the yellow ties in electoral period. In any case, what will now be the flank of the separatist pressure is ERC , which this Saturday brings together its executive urgently. The Junqueras party faces the dilemma of maintaining the endorsement of the investiture, and this in a context in which Torra will have a margin of time - until he receives the official notification of his disqualification - to advance the elections in Catalonia.

From the institutional point of view, the lacerating thing is that Sanchez has placed the formation of Government at the height of the procedural situation of leaders who remain in the insurrection. When the socialist candidate tried, after the December 2015 generals, to perpetrate the roadmap that he is now about to consummate, Rubalcaba warned of the risk not only for the PSOE but for all of Spain to open a negotiation with parties that uphold the right of self determination . The barons then halted an operation that they will now allow for lack of courage or organic weight in a federal direction rendered to the sanchismo. Just half a year after warning of the risk of a government of insomnia, Sanchez has crossed all the red lines without showing just scruples . The radical left wing has granted an economic program that contains a worrying fiscal increase and a crazy increase in public spending. And the regionalists - except Revilla, whom the PSOE plans to punish in retaliation for its rejection of the investiture - have been promised a string of large investments. However, the most serious assignments for all Spanish citizens are those signed for independence. Until now, all the candidates who, being in the minority, have needed to rely on nationalist forces, have done so in exchange for expanding the self-government of Catalonia or the Basque Country. Sanchez's leap is to open up to reform Spain's territorial structure - as stated in the document signed with the PNV - and to enable an extra-parliamentary bilateral table between the Government and the Generalitat, whose agreements will be submitted to a referendum in the that only the Catalans will decide. No candidate for the Presidency of the Government went so far.

The trick of the PSOE is that, sitting down to dialogue with the co-authors of the process, they will abandon their maximalist positions to assume a role in governance. The truth is that Sanchez, with an improper opacity in a democracy, accepts a query not provided for in the current legal system . And it should be stressed that the will of ERC is to negotiate self-determination.

Sánchez arrives at today's session without explaining his agreements with secessionism, which is a flagrant abandonment of his duty to clearly state his government program. Both he and Iglesias will defend the "progressive" character of the coalition between PSOE and Podemos. The truth is that the pillars of the new Government pivot on identity claims, economic privileges and a disturbing increase in inequality between territories . More than progressive, what is about to light up is a weak and reactionary Executive. And subjected to the dictates of a sececionista leader condemned, escaped and disabled.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • ERC
  • Catalonia
  • We can
  • Bildu
  • Quim Torra
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Basque Country
  • PNV
  • Oriol Junqueras
  • Editorial

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