Teller Report

Putin seizes power over 20 years Photo and video album online

1/3/2020, 11:13:19 PM

Putin's public affairs and private affairs have been in place for 20 years since Russian President Putin seized power as supreme leader…

Putin seizes power, 20 years Photo and video album published online January 4, 8:06

As Russia's President Putin seized power as the supreme leader, 20 years have passed, and an album that collects photos and videos of Putin's public affairs and private situations has been released on the Internet, It seems that the aim is to emphasize the achievements up to.

On December 31, 1999, Russian President Putin was appointed as acting deputy by President Yeltsin, who suddenly announced his resignation, and assumed power as supreme leader.

The Russian Presidency has released an album of photos and videos of Putin's public affairs and private situations on his dedicated homepage in the 20 years since the seizure of power.

Of these, more than 600 photos have been posted for the five years up to 2004, and photos and videos until 2019 will be released in the future.

Among them, there are photographs of public affairs in two shots with foreign leaders such as US President Bush and Prime Minister Mori at the time, as well as videos of playing with dolphins in the Cuba sea to visit and riding military aircraft. Is also posted.

The album also describes on a yearly basis President Putin's efforts, such as fighting terrorism, modernizing the military, and improving the housing environment. It seems that the aim is to emphasize achievements.