Teller Report

Pure White Bride Jeon Hye-bin, Bali Wedding Pictorial… Even the bridegroom's glimpse

1/3/2020, 2:46:47 AM

Actor Jeon Hye-bin showed off her beautiful figure in the wedding pictorial. Happy Mered Company released Jeon Hye-bin's wedding photo on the 2nd. Jeon Hye-bin played a wedding march in Bali, Indonesia on December 7, last year.

Actor Jeon Hye-bin, 37, showed off her beautiful figure in the wedding pictorial.

Happy Mered Company released Jeon Hye-bin's wedding photo on the 2nd. Jeon Hye-bin played a wedding march in Bali, Indonesia on December 7, last year.

Jeon Hye-bin is wearing a pure white wedding dress with a happy smile. The tall figure of the bridegroom's back and the side of the groom also appear a little.

Jeon Hye-bin is a two-year-old uncelebrity. The two met with the introduction of acquaintances and became a couple after about a year of devotion.
[Photo: Happy Mered Company, Wedding Director Bong, Lomi Friends, Abel Bykay, Wild Dia, Wedding 21, Mizu Noble, Wedding Me],

(SBS funE Kang Ji-ji reporter)