Teller Report

Pedro Sánchez's members denounce a "coup d'etat" and PP, Vox and Cs are attributed the disabling

1/3/2020, 7:07:31 PM

The resolution of the Central Electoral Board against Quim Torra has unleashed a political battle on the right and center right. The PP, Vox and Citizens have been erected on Twitter c

  • Catalonia.The Electoral Board disables Quim Torra and he urgently summons the Government
  • The sentence.The TSJC condemns Quim Torra for a year and a half of disqualification and a fine of 30,000 euros for disobedience

The resolution of the Central Electoral Board against Quim Torra has unleashed a political battle on the right and center right. The PP, Vox and Citizens have emerged on Twitter as the true architects of this decision, disqualifying the actions of others. In addition, the JEC decision has been received with attacks on this body by some of Pedro Sánchez's partners, such as Unidos Podemos and Más País.

The president of the PP, Pablo Casado, or his number two, Teodoro García Egea, the Vox parliamentary spokesman, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, or Cs, Inés Arrimadas have quickly jumped into the social network Twitter to give chest blows as the real architects of the decision of the Central Electoral Board, which received an appeal against Torra from each of these three parties.

Casado has assured that it is his party that has got Torra to lose his seat "after the Electoral Board has accepted our appeal." In his opinion, the president "must cease immediately." And if he does not, Sanchez must "force him in compliance with his constitutional obligations."

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