Teller Report

New demonstration in Algiers the day after the announcement of the new government

1/3/2020, 7:31:31 PM

A large crowd took over the streets of Algiers Friday, the day after the formation of the government of the new Algerian president, Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

The Algerians mobilized again on Friday, January 3, for the 46th consecutive Friday of protest and the day after the formation of the government of the new president Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

According to an AFP journalist present on the spot, the mobilization was greater than the two previous Fridays during which it had seemed to mark time, after the taking office of the new president, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, elected on December 12 at a presidential which was fiercely opposed.

The procession rocked in the early afternoon and large groups of demonstrators continue to converge from various districts towards the heart of the capital, the epicenter of "Hirak", the popular movement protesting the regime born on February 22.

Several people released from prison on Thursday following a wave of surprise releases ordered by the courts across the country were present in the Algerian procession, according to images published on social networks.

Record abstention

Abdelmadjid Tebboune was elected on the background of record abstention, in a vote denounced by the protest as a maneuver of the "system" in power to regenerate.

Like the release of the detainees, the announcement of the composition of the government - far from the announced generation renewal - did not undermine the protesters' determination.

Eleven full-time ministers, of the 28 in the new government, belonged to the outgoing team, appointed by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on March 31, two days before his resignation, or have already been ministers during his 20 years of presidency.

"There are positive signals like the release of the detainees, although they should never have been in prison," said Aymen, 37. "And some members of the government are really good" like the Minister of Industry, Ferhat Aït Ali Braham, an economist who "criticized Bouteflika's policies", he added. "But the Hirak must continue to press to succeed in changing the system," said the young man.

With AFP

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