Teller Report

Iranian Foreign Minister discusses assassination of General Suleymani with UN Secretary General

1/3/2020, 7:13:19 PM

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif discussed over the phone with UN Secretary General Anthony Guterres the killing of Iranian General Kassem Suleimani by the US military.

It is reported by RIA Novosti.

“All the consequences (the killings of Suleimani. - RT ) lie with the United States,” the Iranian minister said.

At the same time, the Iranian Foreign Minister emphasized that the US attack is a “terrorist act”.

In turn, Guterres expressed concern about the actions of the United States, saying that they will lead to an escalation of tension in the region.

On January 3, the United States stated that Iranian General Suleymani was killed during an operation in Iraq. After that, Tehran announced an “act of international terrorism” and threatened to take revenge.

In turn, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the readiness of the American side for any possible Iranian response to the assassination of Suleimani.

The Russian Defense Ministry, commenting on the assassination of the general, said that the short-sighted steps of the United States lead to a sharp escalation of the situation in the region.

Details are in the material RT.

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