Teller Report

Iran responded to the assassination of Soleimani ... from acting war to expelling American forces from the region

1/3/2020, 8:46:19 PM

Al-Jazeera Net-Tehran

Iranian circles demanded the expulsion of American forces from the region in response to the assassination of the Quds Force Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Qassem Soleimani, and others spoke of referring the response to the resistance movements, while an Iranian politician suggested that a war could break out on behalf of the next period.

As soon as the Revolutionary Guards mourned General Qassem Soleimani, and the news of his death spread in an American raid near Baghdad International Airport, the train of Iranian threats of revenge and blood revenge began.

While the Iranian leader, Ali Khamenei, threatened a harsh response to the assassination of Soleimani "at the hands of the most miserable human being on the face of the earth," President Hassan Rouhani vowed revenge against "criminal America", and his foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, held Washington "all the repercussions of its rogue adventures."

As for the secretary of the Expediency Council in Iran, the former commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohsen Rezaei, the United States promised "revenge," and said in a tweet on Twitter that "Soleimani joined his brothers, the martyrs, but we will take revenge on him from America, the evil of revenge."

Shakebai said that Washington will receive a response commensurate with the assassination of Soleimani (Al-Jazeera Net)

Various goals
For his part, Iranian political analyst Mehdi Shakibai predicted that Suleimani’s revenge would come at the Iranian and regional levels, stressing that his country possesses a diversified bank of targets, and its response may be affected by some regional countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the Zionist entity if its cooperation in the assassination of Soleimani is proven, according to him.

In his speech to Al-Jazeera Net, Shkebai ruled out the development of events into an all-out war, but he said that America would receive a response commensurate with the crime of Soleimani's assassination, to say the least.

He explained that all American goals and interests in the region have become a legitimate target for Iran and its allies alike, and he described the attack on Iran as an attack on all parts of the axis of resistance, as he put it.

The political analyst close to the Revolutionary Guards added that all the movements he described as the axis of the resistance, from Afghanistan to Pakistan, through Iran, Iraq and Yemen, to Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, would unite in response to the latest series of American crimes in our Islamic region, he said.

He considered that the response to the assassination of Soleimani would put an end to the American presence in the Middle East, and expected that Riyadh would come forward within the next few days with a peace initiative to discourage Tehran from responding.

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Drive out America
Shakibai concluded that targeting American interests will not cure the tails of the Iranians, and that achieving Soleimani’s wish to expel the Americans from the region and liberate Palestine will be the best response to his assassination, expecting that his comrades will focus on this option that he has long sought.

For his part, the Secretary General of the Iranian "Sabz" party, Hussein Kanaani, submitted on three options before Iran to respond to the assassination of Soleimani: First, that Tehran respond to the assassination process, and that Washington meet this response in silence, in order to avoid any possible events that might develop into a full-scale war.

Kanaani said to Al-Jazeera Net that the second option is for Washington to resort to "tennis tactics" and in turn respond to the Iranian response, which may turn the escalating tension into an all-out regional war that may in turn evolve into a world war.

As for the third option, it is to refer the task of the response to the resistance movements in order to respond according to their style and the opportunities available to them, given that General Soleimani was a staunch pillar of the axis of resistance. According to this option, an attack on the Zionist entity may occur in the coming period, according to the Iranian politician, who believes that the third option is likely.

He pointed out that the axis of resistance that extends from East Asia to the Mediterranean will unite to teach America a harsh lesson that will not be forgotten in the appropriate place and time, stressing that working to expel American forces from the region has become an Iranian requirement that Tehran will work with its partners in the region.

Kanaani ruled out that his country would choose the Gulf waters to respond to America unless it was the latter that would lure Tehran to friction in its territorial waters.

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Tweets and Tags
On social media platforms, the director of the Arab Center for Iranian Studies, Muhammad Salih Sedqian, considered that America threw the fingers of dynamite in the powder keg by assassinating Qasim Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.

He said in a tweet on Twitter that moving the sands of the Middle East region would harm the stability and security of countries and their peoples, but it certainly does not serve American interests.

As for the conservative political activist, Mahdi Mohammadi, who was a member of the Iranian delegation in the nuclear negotiations during the era of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he said that the only option that would relatively rebalance is to drive US forces out of the region, not just from Iraq.

In this context, the former Iranian ambassador to Jordan, Nasratullah Tajik, called on the Iranian diplomatic corps to work on demanding Iraq to expel the American forces from its lands, in addition to filing a complaint against the United States for its mass assassination operation.

The Iranians also launched the "Cruel Revenge" tags, "Soleimani Banner Remains", and "Qasim Soleimani", calling for revenge and revenge for the blood of the Iranian general quickly and without wasting time.