Teller Report

Income: Conte declares 700 thousand euros more than 2018, Berlusconi remains the richest

1/3/2020, 8:01:19 PM

Franceschini Scrooge, Amendola the 'poorest', Di Maio has not provided the declaration for now, Meloni richer than Salvini


03 January 2020 The richest is Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, with over a million euros. To follow in the government team is the head of the PD, Dario Franceschini, the minister who declared the highest taxable income in 2019: 200,000 euros round with some changes compared to 2018 due to the sale of a Ferrara building to his daughters and 50% of a house in Rome to his wife.

Going in order of 'wealth' follows the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, with 160,876 euros of taxable income in addition to the co-ownership of 7 buildings between Rome, Potenza and Milan, shares and derivatives in 4 companies and the possession of a Toyota AyGo . Then the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, with 153,832 euros, the co-ownership of a building in Florence and a Mercedes Class B. Then there is the holder of the defense, Lorenzo Guerini, with 131,914 euros. The Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Nunzia Catalfo, with 115,290 euros. The Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa, with 104,271 which indicates as a variation compared to 2018 the purchase of a Bmw Mini Cooper to replace a Mercedes Class A. Following the owner of the Economy and Finance, Roberto Gualtieri, who declares a taxable income of 104,134 (deriving from the activity of MEP) and the ownership of a building in Rome and a Citroen C4.

Under 100 thousand euros, the minister for regional affairs and autonomies, Francesco Boccia, with 99,643 euros and the ownership of a building of 100 square meters Rome, one of 120 square meters in Bisceglie and a Toyota AYgo. Follows the PA minister, Fabiana Dadone, with taxable income of 98,471 euros, deriving from dependent work. The minister of relations with Parliament, Federico D'Inca, instead declares 95,863 euros while the Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova, 94,445 euros and compared to last year informs that she has bought a Passat and has sold 50% of a property to San Cataldo who had with his brother.

Silvio Berlusconi is always the party leader with the highest income, with over 48 million euros. Compared to last year Berlusconi is 'impoverished', going from a total income of 50.824 million (48.011 million taxable) to an income of 48.025 million (for a taxable income of 48.022 million euro), but still remains at the top among political leaders who submitted their asset declaration to Parliament. The senator Matteo Renzi , leader of Iv, declared in 2019 a total income of 811,413 euros (taxable amounting to 796,281 euros), thanks to the sale of his half of a property and the liquidation of Digistart Srl, while last year he had an income total of 29,315 euros. Matteo Salvini , also a senator, has a total income of 76,990 euros in 2019 (70,173 euros of taxable) compared to 13,228 in 2018. Always among the party leaders, but moving to the Chamber, Giorgia Meloni in 2019 declared 100,456 euros of income overall (97,145 taxable), in line with the previous year when it declared 100,336 euros.

No change with the previous year for the President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, who declared a taxable income of 301,598 euros. The President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, however, has not yet published his tax return. Among the senators for life, Renzo Piano, Carlo Rubbia and Mario Monti are missing. Instead, the declaration of the President emeritus of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, was published, which in 2018 declared 121,259; Lifetime senator Liliana Segre declared 246,568, while scientist Elena Cattaneo declared 106,727.