Teller Report

For Beigbeder, Renaudot's attribution to Matzneff was awkward

1/3/2020, 5:31:25 AM

The prize awarded in 2013 concerned an essay not dealing with relationships with minor partners

The writer Frédéric Beigbeder in Paris on January 23, 2018. - IBO / SIPA

Frédéric Beigbeder reacts in turn to the controversy surrounding Gabriel Matzneff. The attribution of the price Renaudot essay in 2013 to the writer, questioned for his relations with minor partners of both sexes, "was clumsy", estimated that which is also member of the jury, Thursday on the site of the Parisian.

An award for "showing compassion"

The awarded book, "a collection of articles on international politics, on Schopenhauer, Gaddafi, etc.", "we seemed brilliant", defends the writer Frédéric Beigbeder. "It is clear that he would never have had the price for one of his diaries," he continued, ensuring that the jury had "also wanted to be compassionate" towards Gabriel Matzneff. “It was by no means the consecration of a pedophile monster. This price was awkward, "recognizes Frédéric Beigbeder, who recently said he wanted to remain" friend "of Gabriel Matzneff, while deeming it" indefensible ".

"Because I am afraid that he will commit suicide and that I do not want to be relentless on a man already nailed in the pillory", is justified Frédéric Beigbeder, who insures however to be "unambiguous in the camp of Vanessa Springora ”. The latter, in an autobiographical novel published on Thursday, "Consent", describes how she was seduced by Gabriel Matzneff, almost fifty, when she was not even 14 years old.

Gabriel Matzneff case

Vanessa Springora denounces the “dysfunctions” of an era


Can we be consenting at 14? Vanessa Springora's story revives the debate

  • Frederic beigbeder
  • Renaudot Prize
  • pedophilia
  • Gabriel Matzneff
  • Society