Teller Report

AUDIO. François de Closets at NASA in 1969 tells in "Aiming for the Moon"

1/3/2020, 1:01:25 PM

News podcast Moon January 3, 2019

EDIT: For the end of year holidays, find in our daily podcast “Minute Papillon! »The audio series“ Aiming at the Moon ”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Man's first step on the Moon. Witnesses, astronauts, experts to find every day

It was July 21, 50 years ago. First step on the Moon by Neil Armstrong, the American astronaut, big step for humanity dreaming of our satellite. In our series “Viser la Lune”, from the podcast “Minute Papillon! ", Astronaut, witness or expert tell the celestial body. Five lunar episodes…

To listen to François de Closets, it's as simple as a click in the player below

Fifth and last episode of this series, with François de Closets. Journalist, he is with the international press in Houston in Texas on July 21, 1969 at 3:56 am, when the first Man walks on the Moon. Corresponding to the United States of Express, he is assisting this historic event live. For 20 Minutes, François de Closets tells…

  • Astronaut Thomas Pesquet in the first episode of "Aiming for the Moon". He talks about the conquest of space and the return of Man to our star.
  • In the second episode, Alexis Orsini, a fact-checking journalist, returns to the conspiracy theories surrounding the arrival of Man on the Moon.
  • In the third episode of this series, make way for the "playlist" inspired by the Moon with Pierre Cloix, journalist at 20 Minutes.

Sound credits: Sound effects: and letFug "Krope- Fugue awAbiogenesis" and "Transparency" Mxe Prizmo - Fugue TheThe redistribution machine outro "and" The system downtime intro "- El Kirpitech - Fugue Nixon speaking with astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon 1969- YouTube RichardNixonLibrary

  • science
  • History
  • Space
  • Moon
  • Podcast
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Wait a minute
  • Nasa
  • 20 Minute Summer