Teller Report

Ari Behn's daughter: "You are my hero"

1/3/2020, 9:55:42 PM

The queues began ringing early in the morning for a place for Ari Behn's funeral in Oslo Cathedral. Representatives from both the Norwegian and Swedish royal houses were on hand to bid farewell to the author and the artist. "I hope you know that we are proud of you," said daughter Maud Angelica Behn in her speech.

The funeral ceremony, which was open to the public, began at 1 pm. But at 6 o'clock, queues outside the church were formed by mourners who wanted to say a final farewell, according to Norwegian Nettavisen.

The 800 seats in the cathedral were filled well in advance of the ceremony.

The royal family in place

Among the visitors were six representatives from the Norwegian royal family - King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Princess Märtha Louise and Princess Astrid - and Swedish Prince Daniel.

Ari Behn was married to Princess Märtha Louise between 2002 and 2016, and the couple had three children together.

Daughter Maud Angelica Behn placed a portrait on top of the coffin:

- I would give this board to you for Christmas. I was so excited to see your reaction. Now I will never see your smile again or be able to give you the best picture I have drawn of you, she said.

"There is always another way out"

The message that Ari Behn took his own life came on Christmas Day evening. Suicide was something Maud Angelica Behn chose to address during her speech at the funeral, along with a call for those suffering from mental illness.

- Dad probably knew he had no other way out. But there is always another way out, she said, urging people to dare to ask for help.

At the end of the ceremony, the coffin was carried out of the church by, among others, Ari Behn's father Olav Bjørshol, brother Espen Bjørshol and crown prince Haakon. The coffin was carried to the tones of "Aria for Ari", composed by Ari Behn's close friend Jon Håtun.

Oslo Cathedral was packed at the funeral ceremony for Ari Behn. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Scanpix / TT