Teller Report

Ancient Passions - Iran and USA

1/3/2020, 12:34:25 PM

“The Iranians are considered fanatics, and the West itself recognizes the Russians, does not know what to expect, and China is a rather huge beast, so the United States is unlikely to go to a military showdown with Iran. My opinion is that they certainly won’t go. But national pride does not allow them to quit the game in the Middle East. Therefore, Hezbollah bases and Shiites are bombed, they do not want to leave. Well, here's the last episode of hostility between the US and Iran. The United States sent a response to the attack on its embassy in Baghdad. "

If you do not look into the depths of History, then, at first glance, the short background to the events at the US Embassy in Baghdad looks like this.

The United States launched a series of attacks on the bases of the Shiite Hezbollah movement in Syria and Lebanon. After this, the Shiites tried to storm the US Embassy in Baghdad. Well, there were attempts at arson and assault. Now Americans seem to send a detachment of 750 people - either punitive, or for protection.

But if you look a little deeper into History, the coup in Iran in 1953, carried out by American intelligence in collaboration with British intelligence, when the legitimate government of Musadek was overthrown and the family began to rule Pahlavi, ultimately led to a nationwide uprising against Pahlavi in ​​1979 and the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

At the same time, the American embassy in Tehran was captured, and embassy employees were subjected to long-term humiliation. The Americans remember the humiliation, did not forget, even though many decades have passed.

And if you look deep into the millennia in general, then Persia (as Iran was called in the old days) always had disagreements at first with Greek, then with European civilization, and the wars between two irreconcilable enemies had no numbers. Iran, the West failed to bend and defeat, while the Middle East states around Iran, especially the Arab ones, became allies of the Americans, caved in.

The Iranians proudly consider themselves to be flows of illustrious iron Aryans with a history of five thousand years, and they don’t intend to bend to the United States with a history of less than 250 years. And the pride of nations is not the last factor in their behavior. Our Russia is also proud, how else!

It is wiser than to give a historical reference, to return quickly in modern times to us.

The West has sniffed that Iran is creating nuclear weapons for a long time. And fettered the Islamic Republic by international treaties, put it under surveillance.

In September 2019, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) accused Iran of “radical” abandoning its obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan, that is, non-compliance with the multilateral agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

In fact, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA on May 8, 2018, and Iran had no choice but to show firmness of character and resist the evil will of the United States.

Here are two quotes that make it possible to judge the relationship between Iran and the United States at the moment.

Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State:

“The United States is determined to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and not allow this terrorist regime to grow and prosper. They are investing in missile systems that they are not supposed to have, they again announced that they are going to conduct research and development of nuclear weapons systems.

These things are unacceptable. We have already denied Iran wealth (sanctions), we have denied him resources (blockade and embargo). We are stopping Tehran from conducting its terrorist campaigns around the world ... and that’s good. ”

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader:

"Everyone needs to know that Iran is not striving for war, but anyone who threatens the interests, greatness and progress of the Iranian nation will immediately be hit hard."

So that Iran’s opponents did not cause particular doubts about Iran’s opponents, maneuvers of the fleets of the three powers were conducted. Four-day maneuvers have just been carried out by the fleets of Russia, Iran and China in the waters of the Indian Ocean near the entrance to the Gulf of Oman.

Very close to the bottleneck - the Strait of Hormuz, where the route goes for oil tankers coming from Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar and Bahrain to the whole world. That is, the teachings aimed to send a very opaque hint to the United States and its allies: "You will show off, we will stifle the Strait of Hormuz and deprive the planet of your oil."

Both serious powers and the Strait of Hormuz are narrow.

This is the situation there.

And the Iranians are considered fanatics, and the West himself admits from the Russians, does not know what to expect, and China is a rather huge beast, so the United States is unlikely to go to a military showdown with Iran. My opinion is that they certainly won’t go.

But national pride does not allow them to quit the game in the Middle East. Therefore, Hezbollah bases and Shiites are bombed, they do not want to leave.

Well, here's the last episode of hostility between the US and Iran. The United States sent a response to the attack on its embassy in Baghdad. Cruise missiles overtook a motorcade of the head of the special forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps General Qasim Suleimani, heading for Baghdad airport. The general is killed.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.