Teller Report

4 tips to cope with bad moods in winter

1/3/2020, 10:09:08 PM

Bad mood is among the symptoms of the winter season, as some people suffer from this condition in this season, and sometimes they may reach the degree of depression associated with entering the winter. The German magazine “Freuden” provides advice to overcome this situation, and here are four: Exercise

Bad moods are among the symptoms of winter, with some people experiencing it

This condition in this season, and sometimes it may reach the degree of depression related to the entry of winter.

The German magazine "Freuden" provides advice to overcome this situation, and here are four:

Playing sports

It is difficult to wake up to exercise early in the winter, especially if it is in the open air, but it is worth it, because exercise contributes to reducing stress, as the body secretes hormones of happiness that raise mood significantly, and this effect is enhanced when exercising Outdoors, due to getting a lot of pure oxygen.

Meet friends

People with bad moods tend to be isolated in the home and away from mixing, so the German magazine advised to meet friends and acquaintances and everyone with whom the person feels comfortable and happy.

New things

Starting new experiences gives one a feeling of enjoyment, so new things should be tried and different experiences be enjoyed.

wake up early

Although it is difficult to wake up and get out of bed in the morning, prolonged sleep increases the risk of depression, according to a Sleep magazine review. The German magazine advised that you need to adhere to regular sleep periods, in order for one to wake up early in the morning more easily.