Teller Report

What if the next President of the Republic is a woman?

1/2/2020, 10:46:18 AM

A majority of French people would be in favor of the election of a woman to the supreme office, according to a poll

A bust of Marianne decorated with a tricolor scarf (illustration image). - Philippe HUGUEN / AFP

What if the next presidential election, in 2022, saw a woman settle in the Elysée Palace? French women are largely in favor, according to a Harris Interactive poll for RTL published on January 1.

This survey, conducted online from December 26 to 27, 2019 with a sample of 1,028 people, representative of the population aged 18 and over, shows that 71% of French people consider it desirable that a woman be elected president of 'by 2030. 57% of French people even consider this situation likely. No woman has yet formally declared herself for this election, which will take place in two years.

A war by 2030

In this survey, French pessimism also emerged from the responses: 35% of those questioned believe that France will probably experience a war by 2030 and 71% believe that, by then, many jobs will be provided by robots.


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  • presidential
  • President
  • Women
  • Society
  • Elections