Teller Report

Violence drama in Kristianstad - wanted to drive out evil spirits from the newspaper messenger

1/2/2020, 5:49:19 PM

A newspaper messenger was kidnapped in an apartment in Kristianstad and brutally beaten for several hours. During the trial, the trial began and the defendant said the accused wanted to expel evil forces from the victim.

The kidnapping drama on August 12 last year began with a 25-year-old man, under knife threat, forcing the newspaper bid in his home in central Kristianstad.

For five hours, the newspaper clerk held the prisoner in the apartment. He was forced to take drugs and drink alcohol - and was stabbed all over his body. In addition, the 25-year-old demanded that he undress naked and pray for his life.

Hunted on the roof

The victim managed to escape from the balcony and was chased by the perpetrator on the roof of the apartment block. Both were naked and bloody when discovered by witnesses who alerted police.

The 25-year-old has been prosecuted for, among other things, human rape and particularly serious abuse. He is also charged with breaking into several other apartments where children were located and abusing another neighbor.

Denies crime

The 25-year-old denies the crime, but admits some of the actions - including cutting the victim with a knife. The man's defender believes that he thought he was in an emergency where he was forced to expel evil forces from the newspaper messenger, reports Kristianstadsbladet.

The prosecutor is calling for deportation and that the 25-year-old is prohibited from returning to Sweden for all time. The trial is ongoing in Kristianstad district court for six days.