Teller Report

The lesser sea of ​​Vox

1/2/2020, 1:44:44 AM

THE & quot; look what happened in Murcia & quot; Regarding the victory of Vox in the region (the 28-A was fourth force), it has only one explanation: it is the party that defends the most

The "look what happened in Murcia" about the victory of Vox in the region (the 28-A was fourth force), has only one explanation: it is the party that defends the Tajo-Segura transfer (in addition to the Plan National Hydrological) and a more balanced management (thinking of all the actors) of the Mar Menor crisis. Concerning news about the future of the most important saltwater lagoon in Europe has occurred in the last year. The cloudy color - far from those waters id

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