Teller Report

Sweden easily to the quarter after clear victory against the Czech Republic

1/2/2020, 9:37:19 PM

Sweden defeated the home team Czech Republic surprisingly easily in the lion's ball in Ostrava by 4-0 and finished with a semi-final against Russia on Saturday.

In the middle of the third period, the game's most beautiful goal came, 4-0. The entire team was involved in a powerplay and after opening clap-clapping game David Gustafsson finished from close range.

Directly in the second period, Nils Höglander made it 3-0 when he fired an iceman directly after a fine forward slant inward backwards by Rasmus Sandin, who got the mark yesterday after rehab the injured wrist. Then it became very quiet in the hall. In the second period, Sandin was raped on the injured wrist, treated with painkillers, and received an ice bag in the stall. However, he continued to play after the incident.

- I had to score two easy goals, says Höglander.

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Here Sandin is slashed again - gets really hurt

2-0 after a goal keeper

The important 2-0 goal was made by Hugo Gustafsson after a real whiteboard by the Czech goalkeeper Lukas Dostal who teased with the puck behind his own goal and when he tried to get rid of the puck snowily played forward the Swede who easily kept ahead and put in the puck.

- It is nice that the target dryer lets go a bit. I saw that they had a back on one side and then I just tried to shut him down and managed to get a sheet when the goalkeeper fit and put in the puck. It was incredibly nice, Gustafsson tells SVT Sport.

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Goalkeeper behind the 2-0 goal Photo: SVT

The Czechs went on the first three expulsions of the match in a short period of time, to the coach's incredible anger. When Jan Sir, who was in the last row, sat dejected, Nils Höglander pushed in 1-0 for Sweden, returning on a shot, in the boiling pot Ostravar Arena where fans in all ways carried their team.