Teller Report

Strike of December 20 LIVE: CFDT-Cheminots continues to call for strike against pension reform ...

1/2/2020, 6:19:24 AM

Follow us on this new day of strike against pension reform

Trains stopped during the strike, illustration. - MARIO FOURMY / SIPA


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  • More than fifteen days after the start of the protest movement against the pension reform, the disruptions continue in transport, this Friday, with a slight improvement the SNCF with 1 TGV on 2 and 1 Intercités on 4.
  • Thursday, a meeting with all the social partners was held in Matignon, without "significant progress" according to the CFDT. If most unions call to continue the movement during the holidays, Unsa rail suggests a truce.
  • Thursday, Valérie Pécresse, the president of the Ile-de-France region asked "the RATP and SNCF to reimburse travelers for all days of strike".
  • After being seized by the High Authority for the transparency of public life (HATVP), the Paris prosecutor's office opened this Thursday a preliminary investigation against Jean-Paul Delevoye.



Pension reform: Unions announce new inter-professional day of action on January 9


Pension reform: Did Emmanuel Macron promise "the maintenance of retirement at 62", as Nicolas Dupont-Aignan advance?


5:58 p.m .: CFDT-Cheminots maintains its call to strike against pension reform

5:45 p.m .: The Paris Chamber of Commerce requests more help for traders

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Paris Ile-de-France asked in a press release "more vigorous measures" in favor of traders injured by the transport strike, while welcoming the aid already granted. The attractiveness of the capital is currently experiencing serious difficulties and the imminence of the end-of-year celebrations intensifies the distress of professionals, including many independent businesses who are playing their part, "affirms the CCI.

5:35 p.m .: Single children will still travel!

SNCF will make 5,000 seats available on 14 exceptional TGVs on Sunday for children aged 4 to 14 who have to travel alone, SNCF Voyages director general Rachel Picard announced on Friday during a press briefing.

The SNCF had initially decided to deprive trains of 5,000 children who had to travel accompanied, because of the strike against the pension reform, causing controversy. The change was “made possible by new resources from returning drivers,” said a spokesperson.

5:27 p.m .: More RATP figures

Saturday, the RATP will focus its efforts on the afternoon to guarantee a minimum service between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. for the metros and between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. for the RER (1 train out of 2 on the RER A and 1 out of 3 on the B) . The trams will experience “almost normal” traffic and 2 out of 3 buses will operate.

[Social Movement] ⚠️ Traffic will be further disrupted on Saturday December 21 on the # métro and #RER #RATP networks but an overall improvement compared to previous days. Detailed forecasts are available below ⬇️ and at

- RATP Group (@RATPgroup) December 20, 2019

5:22 p.m .: More figures on the SNCF

Half of the TGV therefore, but also 30% of TER and 20% of Transilien in circulation, announced the management.

SNCF plans to roll one Intercités train out of four, while international traffic will be "disrupted," the railway group said in a press release. For TER in the direction of Normandy, the reservation which is "usually optional, will be compulsory" Saturday and Sunday, warns the SNCF.

5:10 p.m .: Overall improvement at RATP but eight closed metro lines

At RATP, "overall" improvement but not too much.

5:00 p.m .: Traffic still very disrupted this weekend, half of the TGVs in circulation ...

4:00 p.m .: The strike at Radio France suspended

The strike against the job cuts at Radio France will be suspended from Monday but should resume in early January, the CGT and SUD unions said on Friday.

The management of the public group made Friday first proposals that did not "move the lines", according to the CGT, and a strike notice could be re-filed at the start of the school year.

2:30 p.m .: What are the openings of the government?

Night work will be more taken into account, by lowering the current thresholds: the arduousness will be recognized from 110 nights worked per year, instead of 120 today; ditto for employees in "three-eight" from 30 nights per year instead of 50.

By adding the extension of the hardship account to civil servants, according to the Prime Minister, "almost 300,000 people" will be able to benefit from it, in addition to the 860,000 who are already entitled to it.

In order to “not create hardship traps”, the track of a “real right to retraining” will be integrated into the work in progress on the employment of seniors.

The CFTC welcomed "real progress, in particular on night work", but regretted like the CFDT and Unsa the refusal to "go back on the four criteria removed in 2017", namely the carrying of heavy loads, painful postures, mechanical vibrations and dangerous chemical agents.

Already approved for executives on a day package, "the extension of the system" to civil servants, "in particular to teachers and hospital staff", will be the subject of consultation "as of January (…) to succeed quickly ”.

2:15 p.m .: What weekend on the trains?

SNCF wanted to be reassuring, promising that it would have enough seats to travel the 850,000 people who had booked on TGV and Intercités until Sunday, even if it will run less than 60% of trains.

In practice, the situation is more complicated: 53% of passengers who have already booked a TGV ticket have had their train confirmed and 15% have been automatically replaced in a train leaving on the same day.

The remaining 32% must exchange their tickets themselves, a task that can be difficult, if not impossible. Presented as "simple", the exchange is theoretically free of charge and at no additional cost, including when the alternative offered is more expensive. For certain special cases, in particular for round trips or when the journeys cannot be undertaken until the end, the SNCF advises to buy a new ticket. "We guarantee the reimbursement of the ticket bought back," promised management.

1:48 p.m .: Come on, a new poll, but just because it's you

(For me, it's the first two)

1:31 pm: At the Assembly, it's also the holidays!
The break from parliamentary work begins this Friday. Deputies and senators will sit again from January 7, to prepare ... for the examination of the pension reform (and the bioethics bill).

1:17 p.m .: Me neither ... But I have prepared a poem for the day it will happen

I don't know how to dress for the reopening of line 6

- manel (@luzdeminel) December 19, 2019

12.55 pm: Xavier Bertrand denounces the suppression at Christmas of cars for single children at the SNCF

The president of the Hauts-de-France regional council, Xavier Bertrand (ex-LR), denounced "the scandal" of the SNCF's abolition of cars reserved for children alone during the Christmas period because of the strike against pension reform.

#SNCF device for children traveling alone suspended for Christmas? "It is a scandal, the maintenance of this service must be a priority. These children did not decide like that to go around France for fun" @xavierbertrand #BonjourChezVous

- Public Senate (@publicsenat) December 20, 2019

" It is a scandal. I think that maintaining and re-establishing this service for the end of year celebrations should be a priority for SNCF, because the children in question are not children who decided, like that, to do the Tour de France for fun ", indignant the former Minister of Labor on Public Senate" This means that there are whole families who will not be able to be reunited "while" it is still a period sacred, "he continued.

12:30 p.m .: Those who like this live, be happy, my return ticket could be exchanged

12:15 pm: For Cédric O, Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, the reform is "fairer"

"I come from the left [...] I think this reform is fairer and more redistributive than the current system. The left could have done it under François Hollande."

🗣 @cedric_o, Secretary of State for Digital, in #CVFDB.

- LCI (@LCI) December 20, 2019

12:02 p.m .: 9.5% of strikers at SNCF, 58.3% of drivers

The lowest figure since the start of the movement, and the first time that the 10% threshold has not been reached.

11:20 am: For Cédric Villani, we must "not brace ourselves on the pivotal age"

The deputy Cédric Villani, dissident LREM candidate for the mayor of Paris, judged Friday that it was not necessary “to brace on the pivotal age” in the negotiations on the reform of the retirements, by estimating that it had to "listen to the CFDT".

Saying he supports "the principle" of the reform wanted by the executive - a "universal, fairer and more readable" system - he also considered that "we must always negotiate as quickly as possible, and I do not think that 'We have to brace ourselves on the pivotal age,' he added on RMC and BFMTV . He indeed stressed that this parameter did not appear “in the project” of the candidate Emmanuel Macron in 2017. “We need to get this reform through with confidence, (…) the negotiations are complex but we need an agreement” , because "Parisians can't take it anymore," he said.

11:10 a.m .: 90,000 euros raised on Twitch in support of the strike

A stream (live video on the internet to make it simple for those who do not know) has been open since the beginning of the movement in support of the strike. Many videographers participate, including calls for donations. This stream has just passed the bar of 90,000 euros collected.

💥💥💥 BOOM THE 90k! 💥💥💥

It starts off well this Friday, doesn't it?
Maybe a little less for @Linguisticae who will say goodbye to his faithful 10 year old beard to celebrate!


💲The strike fund: ⏩

- The Renewable Stream (@recondustream) December 20, 2019

10:50 a.m .: Quick question

10:40 a.m .: UNSA delegates rebelled against their union

At the GA de Porte de la Villette, the Unsa delegates went back upstairs: "If they want to go on holiday upstairs, let them go, we go on". Laurent Djebali, SG of Unsa RATP traction: “I invited Mr. Lescure to a GA, we never saw it. I know the position: withdrawal »

- Gurvan Kristanadjaja (@GurvanKris) December 20, 2019

10:25 a.m .: A complicated weekend on the roads

This weekend, it's the vacaaaaaaaaaances. Date that reminds everyone of the Proust madeleine of school years, when we waited feverishly in our diaries this Saturday announcing Christmas and gifts. But enough nostalgia, room for forecast: and it is a hassle in Ile de France mainly (as usual) but also throughout the country.

[THREAD] 🎅 # BisonFuté 1/3: the traffic will be heavy for this 1st weekend of the #Noel holidays! Be careful and have a good trip ⚠️

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- Ministry of Ecology 🇫🇷 (@Min_Ecologie) December 18, 2019

10:10 am: Laurent Berger wants to re-mobilize his troops "from January 6"

If the leader of the CFDT wishes a Christmas truce, he announced on France Inter that he would resume the actions "from January 6".

10:05 a.m .: Our head of the sports section found the parade
He will go to Blablacar to see his family.

10:00 a.m .: You must have been notified of your Christmas trips

9.50 a.m .: Always good to show diversity

Édouard Philippe and the social partners, December 19 in Matignon.
Is there anything that strikes you in this photo (Benoît Tessier, Reuters)?

- Denis Cosnard (@DenisCosnard) December 19, 2019

9:40 a.m .: Towards an increase in employer contributions?

Laurent Berger, the secretary general of the CFDT, assured this Friday on France Inter that the track of an increase in employer contributions was not dismissed by Edouard Philippe, the day after a meeting in Matignon.

Thursday, "the Prime Minister said that we could imagine a cocktail of measures and he mentioned in particular this possibility of contributions (...). It is still on the table, ”said the leader of the first French union.

The union leader had proposed in La Croix Tuesday to increase contributions to avoid the age of equilibrium, without indicating whether it was employer or employee contributions. Several members of the government immediately dismissed this lead, highlighting a possible drop in purchasing power.

9:30 a.m .: Time of the sondaaaage

9:12 am: Philippe Martinez "The Prime Minister has not declared the Christmas truce"

"The Prime Minister has not declared the Christmas truce because he is maintaining his plans. The general assemblies voted to maintain the strike (…) I find that the government is adding fuel to the fire, ”declared Philippe Martinez, number 1 of the CGT, at the microphone of LCI this morning.

8:42 am: Jostling in the metro, drivers on a scooter, padlocked Vélib '… Why the strike turns us into savages

Since the strikes against the pension reform began on December 5, incivility among Ile-de-France residents has increased on the road, in the metro and on the sidewalks. Our journalist Delphine Bancaud takes stock.


Jostling in the metro, drivers on a scooter, padlocked Vélib '… Why the strike turns us into savages

8:40 am: Emmanuel Macron had promised "the maintenance of retirement at 62 years", as Nicolas Dupont-Aignan advance?

Our journalist Mathilde Cousin deciphers this for you.


Pension reform: Did Emmanuel Macron promise "the maintenance of retirement at 62", as Nicolas Dupont-Aignan advance?

8:27 am: Sibeth N'Diaye optimistic about a possible Christmas truce

“We had a first positive signal with the railway UNSA, and the CFDT itself called to reserve this holiday season, so important for our compatriots (…) I hope that the CFDT-Cheminots will have positive progress in the day, "said Sibeth N'Diaye, government spokeswoman for RTL.

On the pivotal age, "if the social partners agree on another solution, we will accept it," added the government spokesperson. "Let us imagine that Laurent Berger succeeds in convincing Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux to increase the employers' contributions, that they agree and that they bring us this solution", she added.

VIDEO - #ReformeRetraites: "Imagine that Laurent Berger succeeds in convincing Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux to increase employer contributions, that they agree and that they bring us this solution", @SibethNdiaye in #RTLMatin with @VenturaAlba

- RTL France (@RTLFrance) December 20, 2019

8:12 am: "No mobilization break" for FO

“There is no pause for mobilization. (…) The government is accelerating. It promises the bill in the Council of Ministers from January 22, that means that it is already drafted, "said Yves Veyrier, secretary general of FO, on France 2.

➡ A holiday break?

💬 "There is no break! We have called now to continue to bring together employees, general assemblies and to support those who are on strike", replied this morning @YVeyrier #ReformeRetraites # 4V @telematin pic.twitter .com / uPPxim3dp5

- Guillaume Daret (@GuillaumeDaret) December 20, 2019

“I call for wisdom. The government can very well press the "Stop" button, "he said to the government.

💬 @ YVeyrier asks the government "to press the stop button": "His project is massively rejected." #ReformeRetraites # 4V @telematin

- Guillaume Daret (@GuillaumeDaret) December 20, 2019

8:01 am: All bus depots unlocked

Three RATP bus depots were blocked by strikers this Friday morning in Ile-de-France. All have been released, announces the Paris police headquarters.

Systematic intervention of @prefpolice on the exits of blocked bus depots such as # Asnières, #Nanterre or #Ivry.
At 7:40 a.m., all of the Paris depots and the small crown are unlocked.

- Police Prefecture (@prefpolice) December 20, 2019

7:51 am: Shops, ports, hotels… Certain business sectors are starting to suffer from the strike

The figures for the end-of-year holidays directly impacted by the mobilization against the pension reform. As the strike enters its third week, certain sectors of activity begin to suffer.

Nationally, since the start of the social movement, “we're at -30% in turnover for hotels, -35% for caterers and reception organizers, -40% for café-bars and -45 % for restaurants, according to a survey to which around 6,000 of our members responded, ”reported Franck Trouet, spokesperson for the GNI-Synhorcat union.

7:42 am: Half of SNCF travelers must exchange their tickets for Christmas

For those absent yesterday, we take stock of the train traffic for Christmas. SNCF announced on Thursday that only 41% of TGV and Intercity trains will run on December 23 and 24.

If 52% of the 400,000 customers who booked on these two dates will have a guaranteed train, with however possible timetable changes, 48% of travelers will have to exchange their ticket. The SNCF announcements on Friday trains running on the day and the day after Christmas are eagerly awaited.

7:38 am: Blockages in Rungis

According to a Brut journalist, hundreds of people blocked one of the entrances to the Rungis market during the night of Thursday to Friday. Tensions with the police have occurred.

Punch action of the railroad workers in Rungis, blocking in progress of one of the entrances, several hundred people on the initiative of the CGT.

- Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) December 20, 2019

First tensions in Rungis between the police and the demonstrators. # greve20decembre

- Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) December 20, 2019

7:34 am: Once again, it's complicated on the roads

Dear motorist friends, little improvement this Friday morning in the Paris region. According to Sytadin, there are already nearly 280 kilometers of traffic jams accumulated in Ile-de-France, an "exceptional" level.

Traffic at 7:30 a.m. on December 20, 2019. - Sytadin

7:29 am: A new day of interprofessional mobilization on January 9

Thursday, at the end of the meeting between the unions and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, Philippe Martinez, the general secretary of the CGT announced "that a next inter-professional day of action will take place on January 9th".

7:27 am: Improvement also on the SNCF side

🔵 TRAFFIC TRAFFIC on December 20 🔵
📲 Find the information in real time the day before at 5 p.m. on the # AssistantSNCF 👉

- SNCF (@SNCF) December 19, 2019

7.20am: Traffic "disrupted" but "overall improving" at RATP

Metro lines 3bis, 5, 6, 7bis, 12 and 13 will be closed all day. On the contrary, automated lines 1 and 14 will operate normally, as will the Orlyval line which serves Orly airport. Lines 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will operate “partially during peak hours”. Lines 2 and 11 will be partly open "for the morning rush hour" and line 3 "for the evening rush hour". RER A and B traffic will remain "very disrupted". That of trams will be "almost normal" and that of buses still "disrupted" but "improving".

[Social Movement] ⚠️ Traffic will be very disrupted on Friday December 20 on the # métro and #RER #RATP networks with an overall improvement compared to previous days. Detailed forecasts are available below ⬇️ and on

- RATP Customer Service (@ClientsRATP) December 19, 2019

7:15 am: Hello and welcome to this live

On the threshold of a big weekend of departures before Christmas, France saw its sixteenth day of strike in transport on Friday against the pension reform carried by Edouard Philippe, who posted some "advances" to snatch a truce from now and already compromised.

  • Government
  • Society
  • Pension reform
  • RATP
  • Video
  • SNCF strike
  • Strike of December 5