Teller Report

Najwa Kassem tops Twitter, tweeting: “She left early, Media Peoples”

1/2/2020, 1:10:19 PM

The Lebanese media # Najwa_Kasem was published on the social media site “Twitter”, after announcing the news of her death, this afternoon, at the age of 52 years. Followers expressed their grief over this news, which they described as “shocking” and “painful”, noting that it was an unfortunate news At the beginning of the new year, I found a match

The Lebanese media # Najwa_Kasem was released on Twitter, following the announcement of her death, this afternoon, at the age of 52.

Followers expressed their grief over this news, which they described as "shocking" and "painful", noting that it was unfortunate news at the beginning of the new year.

And followers found that the death of Najwa Qassem constituted a great loss for Lebanon and the Arab media, and one of them said: "Lebanon lost a great media that taught a lot in the media world and brought Lebanon with it everywhere ... God bless the media.

Another said: "A sad day with the departure of the human being and the great media. # Najwa_Kassem. We lost her presence on the news screen ... and the media scene lost a great name, but her memory will remain forever."

Followers of Najwa Qassem described the flower of Bilsan media, and one of them said: "And the flower of Balsan passed away ... Farewell to Najwa."

Another said: "May God have mercy on you, media lender Najwa Qassem ... sad and unfortunate news with the beginning of this new year."

Many followers expressed their shock at this news, pointing out that Najwa Qassem "departed early", and one of the followers said: "A real and sad shock, that Najwa Qassem departed in the glory of giving and youth. She accompanied the future TV career since its foundation and shone on a screen of a brilliant star, before To move to Dubai, where she pursued excellence and success. A loss for us and the Lebanese Arab media. May God have mercy on Najwa Qassem and my deepest condolences to her family and the Arab family - the event. "

Another said: "The icon of the Arab media ... I rushed to leave, Najwa, bye in my heart."

On their part, followers said that Najwa Qassem was one of the few women who distinguished himself in an attractive style of dialogue, and one of them said: “One of the media people who was enjoying what followed her program and her style of dialogue and questions, is a unit of the few who bet who loved the media profession, may God have mercy on her. And its people are patient .. ".

They also pointed out that the death of Najwa Qassem constituted a milestone in the Arab media, and one of them said: I moved from the anchor of Al-Hadath to the event that will make a difference in the Arab media.

On the other hand, Lebanese media artists mourned Najwa Al-Qassem in their Twitter accounts, so the Lebanese artist Elissa said: “What a sad thing to tell with the beginning of the new year. Najwa Qassem was a long old age and she had a lot to offer her career after. And may our patience be patient. "

This came after the "Al-Arabiya" and "Al-Arabiya" network referred to the event earlier in the day, Lebanese media worker Najwa Al-Qassem, whose death was announced this afternoon, at the age of 52.