Teller Report

Book on Matzneff, 29th day of strike and controversial legion of honor

1/2/2020, 7:07:24 AM

"20 Minutes" compiles for you the information you should not miss this morning in your Morning Information Bulletin (BIM) ...

The cover of Vanessa Springora's book. (Martin BUREAU / AFP) - AFP

Did you miss the news of this early morning? We have put together a summary to help you see more clearly.

Vanessa Springora book release on her relationship with Matzneff

Vanessa Springora tells in a book to be published Thursday her relationship under the influence, at 14, with the writer Gabriel Matzneff. In an interview published by Le Parisien , she recalls their meeting and explains that there has been "a dysfunction of all the institutions: school, police, hospital ...". For her, "that's what is staggering in front of an activist of the pedophile cause who has published texts in this sense and who prides himself on it".

What will be the traffic at SNCF and RATP today?

Like every day since the start of the movement against pension reform, 20 minutes gives you an update on the situation in transport. On Thursday, SNCF plans one TGV out of two on average, nine Eurostar out of ten, eight Thalys out of ten and two Lyria out of five. One in four Intercity trains will run during the day, and five TER out of ten. Three out of ten trains will run on average in Ile-de-France. In Paris, the RATP plans an improvement and announces a single metro line completely closed and 15 completely or partially open, some only for the evening peak (4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) such as 6 and 12.

🔵 TRAFFIC TRAFFIC on January 1 and 2, 2020 🔵
📲 Find the information in real time the day before at 5 p.m. on the # AssistantSNCF 👉

- SNCF (@SNCF) December 31, 2019

Between Gare du Nord and CDG / Mitry Airport: 1 train out of 3 all day. During the strike, information on the next day's trains is available every day at 5 p.m. on, & / 9oKccOLcLx [3/4]

- RER B (@RERB) January 2, 2020

The Legion of Honor awarded to the boss of BlackRock France criticized

Jean-François Cirelli, former leader of GDF-SUEZ, then of Engie, and current president of the French branch of the American financial giant BlackRock has been appointed officer of the Legion of Honor on the Prime Minister's contingent, according to the New Year promotion published Wednesday in the Official Journal. This choice is particularly criticized by opponents of the pension reform, who accuse society of wanting to influence it to its advantage.


Why pedocrime has been minimized in the French literary milieu


Emmanuel Macron does not give up on pensions, neither do the unions

  • Controversy
  • Pension reform
  • Legion of Honor
  • RATP strike
  • SNCF strike
  • Strike
  • Literature
  • pedophilia
  • Society
  • Gabriel Matzneff