Teller Report

Austria, historic agreement for a new government agreement between Popolari and Verdi

1/1/2020, 9:37:18 PM

Meeting in Vienna to define details of the agreement

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by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 01 January 2020 The unknown governance has been resolved. Austria will have its first and new government made up of Popular and Greens. Coalition negotiations between Sebastian Kurz's OeVP People's Party and Werner Kogler's Greens have come to an end: the deal has been finalized. Official sources have reported it.

Three months after the elections in Austria, which took place in September, there was a consonance and the representatives of the two parties met in Vienna to define the details of the government agreement.

The new executive could swear on January 7, according to Austrian media advances.

It is a historic agreement, because for the first time an important European country sees a majority of popular and environmentalists. It is also the first time in government for the Austrian Greens. Until May, Kurz had ruled with Harald Vilimsky's FPOE populists who, after the election defeat, are now in opposition.

Following the election results, Sebastian Kurz had exulted talking about unexpected success, while the Greens had talked about the historical result, paying attention, in particular, to the young people of the country.

The 33-year-old Kurz People's Party began negotiations with the Greens in mid-November. The Greens, who were previously not part of an Austrian federal government, returned to Parliament after an absence of over two years. The two formations have a total of 97 seats in the Austrian parliament.

Sebastian Kurz spoke of an "excellent result" that came after difficult negotiations to form a coalition government. According to the leader of the Austrian People's Party (OeVP), his party and the Greens, for the first time in a government together, must "build bridges" to form an Executive for "the future of Austria".

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