Teller Report

Three Swedes in the NHL Allstar match

12/31/2019, 11:31:40 AM

Sweden's foremost point picker in the NHL this season is Elias Pettersson. Now the 21-year-old from Ånge has been awarded a place in the NHL's Allstar match in St. Louis on January 26. A total of three Swedes are selected so far.

Pettersson has scored 41 points (18 + 23) in 40 matches, compared to 66 points in 71 matches last year when he was named the newcomer of the year and even then was selected for the Allstar match.

Four Allstar teams have been selected, one per division, and in addition to Pettersson (Pacific), Anaheim's Jakob Silfverberg (do) and Tampa Bay's Victor Hedman (Atlantic) will also participate.

Silfverberg makes his first appearance in the context - in his eighth NHL season.

- Obviously it will be fucking fun and well a mark that you have done something right in the league this fall. We have many good players in the team, so I'm happy to represent Ducks, ”Silfverberg tells Expressen.

More players can still be voted in by the fans.

Tonight's NHL: Patric Hörnqvist netted when the Penguins won

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Patric Hörnqvist goal scorer when Pittsburgh beat Ottawa Photo: Photo Agency