Teller Report

Students in the upper middle and high lands practice tightening on stone steps Yamanashi Minoyama Kuonji

12/31/2019, 4:37:17 AM

On the 31st of Omisonaka, students at high schools and junior high schools at the top of the track at Minobuyama Kuonji in Minobu-cho, Yamanashi Prefecture, ran up the steep stone steps and finally practiced ...

Students in the upper middle and highlands practice tightening on stone steps Yamanashi Minobuyama Kuonji December 31 13:29


On the 31st of Omisoka, high school and junior high school students from the track and field ran up steep stone steps at Minobuyama Kuonji Temple in Minobu Town, Yamanashi Prefecture, and did their last practice.

Every year, on the stone steps with a height difference of 104 meters, which leads to the main hall of Minobuyama Kuonji Temple, and with a height difference of 104 meters, a high school in Yamanashi Prefecture has a joint practice that ends the year.

Approximately 130 students participated, including 6 local high schools and 4 junior high schools in the prefecture, including the local community.

After the warm-up, the students ran up the steep stone steps leading to the main hall one after another at the start signal at 9:30 am. Some students breathed out and breathed on the way, while others were fast, taking 4 or 5 minutes and running more than 10 round trips.

A boy in high school in Kofu city, who specializes in short-distance sports, said his enthusiasm for next year was "I would like to enter the third place in the prefecture's general athletic meet and participate in the national tournament." In addition, a female student at the local Minobu High School track and field manager said, "I will do my best for the players again next year."