Teller Report

State Department: protesters in Iraq did not penetrate the US Embassy

12/31/2019, 5:10:29 PM

Protesters in Iraq did not enter the US Embassy, ​​there are no plans to evacuate personnel, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the representative of the State Department.

“American employees are safe, there was no penetration. There are no plans to evacuate the embassy, ​​”he said.

According to him, the evacuation reports of Ambassador Matt Tuller are not true - he was on a planned personal trip and is returning to the diplomatic mission.

Earlier, Arab media wrote that Tuller and all embassy staff left Iraq due to security threats.

It was reported that the demonstrators set fire to the gates of the diplomatic mission in protest against the shelling of the Shiite Hezbollah by the US military.

On December 29, the Pentagon announced "targeted defensive strikes" at five weapons depots and Hezbollah command posts in Iraq and Syria.