Teller Report

Rafa Nadal, a safe value for Santander Bank

12/31/2019, 2:31:23 PM

Rafa Nadal says goodbye Tuesday from Perth, 14,000 kilometers from home, one of his best years as a tennis player. From the remote shores of the Indian Ocean, the world's number one leads

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Rafa Nadal says goodbye Tuesday from Perth, 14,000 kilometers from home, one of his best years as a tennis player. From the remote shores of the Indian Ocean, the world's number one leads the Spanish team in the new ATP Cup, the renewed tournament for nations that aims to rival the Davis Cup in prestige. Since his landing late Sunday, since the first blows at the RAC Arena with the red shirt and the flag on his chest, Rafa has become the priority target for the cameras. One of the most traditional countries in the world of racket can enjoy Nadal for more than a month, since the ATP Cup is linked to the Australian Open , ending in Melbourne on February 2. The 19 majors champion, chosen by EL MUNDO as a character of the year 2019, has long transcended his legendary track record. And that attraction, better than anyone, is known by brands.

On Tuesday, Santander Bank announced that Nadal will become "long-term ambassador of the entity", but without offering further details of substance. According to some industry sources consulted by this newspaper, the agreement will reach one million euros a year. An almost traced figure that was pocketed last August for its triumph in the 1000 Masters of Canada. In any case, money has not been an obstacle for any of the parties. Not for the entity chaired by Ana Patricia Botín , who had been fighting for the tennis player for years, nor for Rafa himself, who has just finished his relationship with Banco Sabadell .

For all this, the festive atmosphere of the last hours in the communication and marketing department spread throughout the Financial City of Santander in Madrid. "It is a Spanish and universal icon," he commented with the logical satisfaction of who has conquered the "crown jewel" of athletes. A coup of effect only comparable to that which Banco Popular signed up in 2007 with Pau Gasol . Or Santander itself with Fernando Alonso , Ferrari emblem between 2010 and 2014.

Personal link with the Loot

However, in that golden age, no financial institution opted for Iker Casillas or Andrés Iniesta , the two great referents of the multi-champion team. That polarization of football is now completely surpassed by Nadal, whose faultless image on and off the tracks goes beyond the philias and phobias of bank customers.

"He is one of the best athletes in the world and the best Spanish athlete of all time," said Botin yesterday, whose close personal relationship with Nadal has also paved the deal. A good feeling that was also always very intense with Emilio Botín . This Tuesday, her daughter wanted to emphasize the values ​​of “effort, discipline, humility and respect” of the Manacorense, in intimate fusion with what she wants to represent one of the largest banks in Europe, which in the first half of 2019 has obtained some profits of 3,231 million euros.

After a decade decorating the legendary red cars of Formula 1 and another fruitful stage as the main sponsor of LaLiga , prolonged since last spring in the Champions League , Santander tackles a qualitative leap with Nadal. «We share the idea of ​​how important it is to achieve the goals as the way to achieve them», endorsed the Prince of Asturias Award for Sports in 2008.

Brand Loyalty

However, for the moment, Nadal will not wear any visible badge of the bank in his clothing due to the imperative of Nike , the brand that you saw since the beginning of his career. You will also have to wait a few months for your first appearances in sponsorship campaigns and institutional events, such as those that Santander has recently organized with Mireia Belmonte , Javier Gómez Noya or Carolina Marín .

Nadal has always been very careful with these issues, but also very faithful to what was signed. In fact, the scrupulous compliance with KIA , a Korean brand light years away from the relevance of other giants, has always attracted a lot of attention. Not to mention his total adherence to Mapfre , which cost him some disgust with the organization of the Mutua Madrid Open .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Rafael Nadal
  • Mireia Belmonte
  • Pau Gasol
  • Carolina Marin
  • Ana Patricia Botín
  • Andres Iniesta
  • Champions League
  • Iker Casillas
  • sports
  • tennis
  • Australian Open

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