Teller Report

"Google" denies its cooperation with Badria students

12/31/2019, 9:04:17 AM

Google has denied reports of the use of the Egyptian artist Badria Tolba in the voice recording of Google Maps, and the international company added on her official account in "Twitter": "As much as we enjoy Badria Tolba films, we would like to confirm that nothing has changed in the voice guidance properties of Gog Maps.

Google has denied reports of the use of the Egyptian artist Badria Tolba in the voice recording of Google Maps, and the international company added on her official account in "Twitter": "As much as we enjoy Badria Tolba films, we would like to confirm that nothing has changed in the voice guidance properties of Google Maps, We will continue to help users in Egypt and all Arabic speakers with the same voice. "

The account also published the phrase "This is How Hawk Oklock", which Badria Talaba is famous for in the movie "No Retreat or Surrender", which was starred by the artist Ahmed Makki.

The news of the use of Google with the voice of Badriya Talabat has met with wide repercussions on social media, and has captured the attention of many Arab news sites.