Teller Report

Universal defense: why in the USA they called to check on "Russian propaganda" a report on Biden's work in Ukraine

12/30/2019, 7:28:17 PM

You need to make sure that information about the activities of former US Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine is not “Russian propaganda”. This statement was made by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, commenting on the report, which is being prepared by Donald Trump's lawyer Rudolf Giuliani. It was the request of the American leader to investigate the possible participation of Biden in corruption schemes in Ukraine served as the reason for the beginning of the impeachment procedure. Experts note that the topic of "Russian propaganda" has become a universal tool for the US political establishment to protect itself from possible reputation losses.

Information on the activities in Ukraine of the former US Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter must be transmitted to the American intelligence agencies so that they establish whether it is "Russian propaganda." This was stated by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, commenting on reports in the American media that Donald Trump's associate, former New York Mayor Rudolf Giuliani, prepared an impressive report on Biden, which allegedly contains evidence of their involvement in corruption schemes.

“He did not share any of these data with me. He would advise Giuliani to provide the information received in Ukraine to the intelligence community to make sure that this is not Russian propaganda. I’m very suspicious of Russia’s activities around the world, ”Graham writes about the work carried out by Giuliani in The Daily Beast.

Giuliani responded to Graham’s suggestion with the words: "This is not Russian propaganda."

  • Lindsey graham
  • Reuters
  • © Joshua Roberts

Recall that Donald Trump during a conversation with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky asked him to investigate the activities of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine. Subsequently, this became the basis for the impeachment proceedings against Trump. Democrats accuse him of abusing presidential power, namely, in an attempt to get incriminating evidence from his head of another state on his likely opponent in the 2020 election, which is Joe Biden.

As Vladimir Bruter, an expert at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Research, noted in an interview with RT, Senator Graham, speaking as an involuntary “defender” of Joe Biden, wants to protect himself and party members from possible reputation losses that may be caused by the publication of Giuliani’s report, such as defamation charges. At the same time, Graham wants to simultaneously preserve valuable dirt on Trump’s main rival until the 2020 elections.

“Republicans want to quickly end the case of impeachment in the Senate and pretend that there was no problem ... Biden seems to Republicans to be a weak candidate, therefore, it will be more profitable to show incriminating evidence to him during the election campaign than to dump corruption charges on him right now and thereby preventing them from participating in the elections, ”the expert explained.

It's hard to be biden

Various analytical organizations and mainstream American media are also trying to present criticism of the former vice president as a campaign by “Russian propagandists”.

In November, an American analytical organization, the Institute for Foreign Policy Research, issued a report stating that the “Russian propagandists” allegedly most often criticize Joe Biden. The analysts of the organization came to this conclusion after studying "more than 1.7 thousand news materials from Sputnik and RT."

  • Joe Biden
  • Reuters
  • © Mike Segar

“When, on the eve of the 2016 election, I watched the content promoted by the Russian authorities and trolling on social networks, there was an extremely negative attitude towards Hillary Clinton. The same can be said today about former vice president Joe Biden, ”said Clint Watts, a former FBI employee and author of materials for NBC News.

Watts claims that Russia allegedly supports Donald Trump in attacks on Joe Biden.

"The combined volume of RT and Sputnik content about Joe Biden is much larger than the usual coverage of the US presidential election ... Russia often exaggerates Trump's criticism of Biden, which makes coverage in general even more negative," said the American political strategist.

According to political analyst Alexander Asafov, the statement about the possible presence of "Russian propaganda" in the Giuliani report suggests that this topic has long turned into a universal tool that American politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, justify their political gambits.

“This topic should be periodically updated, refreshed, and point out its danger. In this case, the Republicans demonstrate that they remember the “threat” from the “Russian propaganda”, the expert noted.

Ukrainian business

Ronald Giuliani, a lawyer and long-time associate of Donald Trump, the former mayor of New York, has repeatedly stated that he has evidence of Joe Biden’s abuse of his powers when he protected his son from an anti-corruption investigation in Ukraine.

Recall that The Hill published an article in April 2019 stating that the son of former U.S. Vice President Hunter Biden joined the board of directors of Burisma, a large Ukrainian oil and gas company, in 2014.

  • US President Donald Trump and Rudolph Giuliani
  • Reuters
  • © Mike Segar

According to The Hill, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine allegedly suspected Hunter Biden of receiving bribes from the leadership of Burism. Attorney General Viktor Shokin planned to call Biden Jr. for questioning on the fact of abuse, but Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 removed Shokin from his post.

In January 2018, Joe Biden confirmed that he had a hand in Shokin's resignation: speaking at a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations, he said that he put forward an ultimatum to President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, threatening them with the cancellation of credit guarantees for $ 1 billion if the prosecutor general doesn’t will be removed from the post. Biden explained this by saying that Shokin allegedly did not contribute to anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine.

Rudolph Giuliani never denied seeking an investigation into this incident. So, in September on CNN’s channel, he confirmed that in July he had a meeting in Spain with Vladimir Zelensky’s assistant, Andrei Ermak, to discuss the role of Biden in the resignation of Attorney General Shokin in 2016.

In mid-December, Giuliani said on Twitter that he allegedly managed to meet with former Ukrainian prosecutors General Viktor Shokin and Yuri Lutsenko and get evidence of abuse by Biden and State Department officials during their work in Ukraine. According to Giuliani, the impeachment process is nothing more than an attempt by the democratic establishment to divert attention from the corruption crimes of the Obama administration and the Democrats in Ukraine.

“Available evidence shows that corruption in 2016 was so widespread that it was the president of the United States to demand an American-Ukrainian investigation. Impeachment is part of the Democrats' efforts to conceal information. Extortion, bribery and money laundering are not only related to Biden. Plus, the conspiracy of the National Committee of the Democratic Party with Ukraine in order to destroy Trump’s candidacy, ”Giuliani wrote on December 15.

Evidence revealed that corruption in 2016 was so extensive it was POTUS's DUTY to ask for US-Ukraine investigation.

Impeachment is part of Dem cover-up.

Extortion, bribery & money laundering goes beyond Biden's.

Also, DNC collusion w / Ukraine to destroy candidate Trump.

- Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 15, 2019

“You can question the reliability of witnesses, but not the hard documented evidence provided by each direct witness as part of this investigation,” Trump's lawyer added.

It is worth noting that Giuliani was repeatedly mentioned as a participant in the events related to impeachment at the Senate hearings as part of the procedure for the removal of the 45th president of the United States from power.

Thus, in the final report of the House’s intelligence committee, on the basis of which impeachment articles were prepared, it is noted that during a telephone conversation with Vladimir Zelensky, the US president “forced the Ukrainian president to consult with his personal lawyer Rudi Giuliani,” who actively lobbied for the beginning of the investigation in regarding the activities of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine.

In this case, Hunter Biden’s participation in the gray schemes of the Ukrainian economy is quite obvious, and attempts to justify this in “Russian propaganda” look ridiculous, says Vladimir Bruter.

“The investigation must be conducted in order to find out to what extent Biden Sr. was informed about this and what he took part in it. However, it was not “Russian propaganda” that appointed Hunter Biden to the Ukrainian company. There is not enough parliamentary investigation, because there is good reason to believe that the law has been violated. We see that today, American justice is opaque and inconsistent, since Paul Manafort was sent to prison for such a violation, and Biden is still at large, ”the political scientist concluded.

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