Teller Report

They identify a growing mass of water "extremely warm" in the Pacific along with New Zealand

12/30/2019, 12:04:40 PM

It occupies about one million square meters, four times larger than New Zealand, and has become one of the warmest marine areas on the planet. The satellite image

It occupies about one million square meters, four times larger than New Zealand , and has become one of the warmest marine areas on the planet. The satellite image taken on Monday by the Climate Reanalyzer platform clearly shows an area of ​​the Pacific Ocean with a noticeably higher temperature.

Professor James Renwick , a climate researcher at the University of Victoria, has explained to the New Zealand Herald that while the sea temperature does not usually vary more than one or two degrees, in this water bag the difference reaches six degrees, a Value to consider.

Before confirming the presence of this "extremely warm" water bag that is approaching the New Zealand east coast, experts had already warned of a sea heat wave that could melt glaciers during the southern summer.

"December storms have contributed to the mixing of currents and sea temperatures have actually decreased slightly," said meteorologist Nava Fedaeff to the New Zealand newspaper, "but they are rising again in many parts of the country."

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  • Climate change
  • science
  • Science and Health

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