Teller Report

Milan, aggression was not by sexual orientation

12/30/2019, 6:01:34 PM

Lite for different reasons, no homophobia

  • Boy reports: beaten by ten people in Milan because gay


30 December 2019The contours of the alleged homophobic aggression reported by a young man in Milan become clearer.

According to the first findings of the Local Police, in fact, the quarrel with the group of strangers, perhaps foreigners, who lashed out against him, was not born for reasons of sexual orientation, but for futile issues, from evening 'movida' between boys .

These are the first results of the investigations of the Local Police, who heard the injured party, who that evening, in the Colonne di S.Lorenzo, was in the company of a friend.

After the beating (he suffered a scalp wound and various bruises deemed curable in ten days), the 25-year-old, in a state of shock, asked for help from a local police patrol on duty in the Ticino area.