Teller Report

Hatred of women and the man of chaos shaken ... Trump's secrets in the range of three new books

12/30/2019, 6:02:32 PM

After the Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi's Saudi writer was killed in 2018 by Saudi agents, Trump told his advisers that it would be stupid to stand up to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Thus, the anonymous author described in the book "Warning" the US President dealt with the Khashoggi killing, questioning the capabilities of the President of the United States, and also highlighted his suspicious personality and doubts about his employees and those around him.

In a presentation by Editor Francois Forrestier to a French journal, Novell Observator, the author reads in three recent books on US President Donald Trump, and the magazine considered it added more firewood.

The show included a book "Warning", whose anonymous writer may have been the author of an article published in the New York Times on September 5, 2018, in which an unidentified "Trump administration official" addressed the irrational behavior of the President of the United States and declared resistance Bureaucracy led by some officials, which at the time caused a bang, Trump replied with dozens of angry tweets.

In addition, the show touched on "All the Women of the President" by Barry Levine and Monique Alvizi, and "Trump and his Generals" by Peter Bergen, books that are based on in-depth investigations full of disclosures, descriptions and footage that do not honor the White House resident.

"Warning" book addressed the irrational behavior of the President of the United States and announced the existence of bureaucratic resistance led by some officials (Al-Jazeera)

The truth that emerges is Trump's folly and his departure from the ethical frameworks, according to the author, and the reader comes out of these three books with one conclusion: the American president’s recklessness and his inconvenience to his position.

The author said that some have guessed the identity of this unknown who wrote the book "Warning" wondering whether it was Mike Pence, vice president, the White House attorney without McGhan, the Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, the secretary of Pence Nick Ayers, or John de Stefano, a Trump collaborator, Or was she simply the chief adviser to President Kelly Ann Conway who is the wife of Trump's most vocal critic, George T. Conway.

A "warning" filled with long quotes presents his idea as a warning and an invitation to vote against Trump in the presidential elections to be held next November, and his author on page 79 compiles many of the descriptions that Trump gave to women, including his saying that "Hillary Clinton if you cannot please Her husband, wouldn't you please America? "

All the women of the president
The writer said that the irony with "all the women of the president ... Donald Trump and the predator's industry" is that his writers - two experienced correspondents - have not come under attack from Trump who loves to bring his critics to justice, even though their book is exceptional and is based on a large number of interviews and files.

The book begins with a tweet in which Trump says that "nobody has ever shown more respect for women than me," before telling the stories of some women who have filed cases against Trump or been exposed to "inappropriate behavior" from him.

The cover of the book "All the President's Women ... Donald Trump and a Predator Industry" (Al-Jazeera)

As for the book "Trump and his generals ... the cost of chaos" for the security analyst in CNN, "Peter Bergen describes his owner and analyzes the president's infatuation with his generals" at the beginning "and then his rapid disappointment with them, referring to the generals Flynn, McCraven, Mattis, Hayden, McChrystal, Kelly, Fototel, McMaster, Ken and Petraeus , Who sometimes criticized Trump's decisions, which led to his being angry and dismissed via tweets.

Trump is against his institutions
The writer pointed out that the only person to be satisfied with the president is Erik Prince, whom he described as a mercenary and founder of the Blackwater army, and the incompetent brother of the Minister of National Education Betsy Davos. A president less experienced in foreign policy than Trump, noting his clash with his country's national security institutions.

The writer considered that the cost of his presidential agenda "America First" destroys the edifices of global alliances that carefully built every Emiri President from Truman to Obama, and it became clear to a number of senior officials in the United States that their most dangerous task is to protect America from Donald Trump.

"Trump and his generals ... the cost of chaos" book by CNN's security analyst Peter Bergen (Al-Jazeera)

One of the book's most important passages - according to the author of the show - is his reference to the moment when the strategists point to the location of the North Korean capital Seoul on the map. Trump asks, "Why is the city so close to the border?", Adding, "We must move everything."

Among the three books, the author believes that the latter may be the most disturbing, especially by pointing to the presence of the nuclear button on hand, as the crazy White House - as the author describes it - can bomb China, the Arctic, Venezuela, and my country house.