Teller Report

U.S. presidential assistant "we have many choices" to control North Korea

12/29/2019, 9:40:17 PM

About North Korea's suggestion that it may take some action as "What to choose for a Christmas present depends on the United States" ...

U.S. presidential assistant "we have many choices" North Korea deterred December 30 6:31

Regarding North Korea suggesting that it may take some measures as `` What to choose for Christmas gifts depends on the United States '', senior officials of the Trump administration should force North Korea to launch long-range ballistic missiles etc. He pointed out that he was "extremely disappointed," and rejected North Korea again, saying that the United States had many options.

North Korea unilaterally negotiated denuclearization negotiations with the United States, urging concessions such as lifting sanctions after the end of the year, and `` all decisions on Christmas gifts depend on American decisions. '' Has suggested that some action could be taken if no breakthrough was indicated, but no provocative action has been identified so far.

A spokeswoman for security at the White House, O'Brien, said in an interview on ABC TV in the U.S. on Monday, saying, "North Korea may have rethought, but it needs to be watched. "We will continue to do so."

He pointed out that if North Korea forcibly launches long-range ballistic missiles and tests nuclear weapons, "it will be very disappointed and will show that disappointment," he said. We can put more pressure on it, "he renewed.