Teller Report

U.S. 'attacks Iran-supported militants', threatening tensions in both countries

12/29/2019, 9:52:17 PM

The Pentagon said Monday that Iran-backed armed groups have attacked five bases in Iraq and Syria…

U.S. 'attacks Iran-supported militants', fears of rising tensions on both sides, December 30 6:49

The Pentagon said Monday that Iran-backed armed groups have attacked five locations in Iraq and Syria. It is possible that tensions between the United States and Iran could be further heightened, with allegations that US military soldiers stationed in northern Iraq on 27th this month are in retaliation for receiving a rocket attack.

U.S. Department of Defense spokesman Hoffman released a statement on Tuesday that included five weapons shelters and command posts built by Iran-backed Islamic Shiite Katahib Hezbollah in Iraq and Syria. It revealed that a precision attack was made against the base.

In Iraq, more than 30 rockets were fired on an Iraqi military base near Kirkuk in the north on 27th, killing one U.S.-national civilian stationed and injuring four U.S. soldiers. The attack is a retaliation for this.

`` Kataib Hezbollah has strong ties to Iranian troops and has repeatedly received support from Iran for attacks on U.S.-led coalitions, '' said Hoffman in a statement. did.

On top of that, he accused Iran of saying, `` Iran and its agents must stop attacking the United States if they do not want to receive further measures from the U.S. military, '' and tensions between the United States and Iran will increase further There is a possibility.

Iraqi Defense Ministry accuses U.S. attack

The Iraqi Ministry of Defense issued a statement regarding the U.S. military attack, and three militia troops who had been involved in operations against the extremist organization IS-Islamic State in the western part of Anbar province were hit by three U.S. airstrikes. Four people died and 30 people were injured.

A spokesman for the Iraqi Army's Chief Commander, the Prime Minister, issued a statement blaming the U.S. attack for "a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and a dangerous action that threatens the stability of Iraq and the region."

Controversy has spread in Iraq, with Prime Minister Abdul Mahady resigning on January 1 during a massive rebel demonstration, and concerns have been raised over the growing conflict between the United States and Iran in Iraq.