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Top 14: In Pau, Bordeaux-Bègles responds as leader - France 24

12/29/2019, 6:28:22 PM

Top 14: In Pau, Bordeaux-Bègles responds as leader

Pau (AFP)

Bordeaux-Bègles, put under pressure Saturday by the victory of Lyon, resumed its place of leader of the Top 14 by winning in Pau (27-23) but by losing the offensive bonus on the end of Sunday during the 12th day.

Four in a row for the UBB who apparently likes his new clothes. As in Castres and in Racing, Christophe Urios' men have once again registered four tries to get the best out of their hosts. Pau preferred to take the defensive bonus penalty after the siren rather than seek a hypothetical equalization via a penalouche, a sector in which the Palois are very feverish this season.

From week to week, Bordeaux capitalizes and, with fifteen points ahead of the seventh, opens up real and beautiful prospects. At least if he remains serious, applied and realistic like Sunday.

For its part, the Section, which has long braked Bordeaux a bit unruly before undergoing several assaults, remains in contact with the two promoted, Bayonne and Brive, his companions in the fight for maintenance, beaten dryly on Saturday.

At the Hameau, the Girondins took twenty minutes to find the right fuel. The fault of determined Béarnais who opened the scoring thanks to a penalty from Antoine Hastoy (14th) without managing to drive the point home.

- The duelists Jalibert-Cordero -

The visitors had to meet at 14 - following a yellow card for Rémi Lamerat (19th) - to see them finally come out of their torpor and send Scott Higginbotham to flatten in the corner after three relays in the 5-meter corridor (24th) .

After a penalty from Jalibert rewarding his scrum, Pau finally found the fault by Vincent Pinto in the corner after a confused action and a succession of pick-and-go (10-10, 33rd).

Balanced, the game then turned to the advantage of the Girondins and the duelists Jalibert-Cordero. Two passes at the foot of the first and the Argentinian wisp hit very quickly for a double (40th + 1, 49th). The offensive bonus virtually fell into the hands of the UBB at the hour of play with a penalty try accompanied by a yellow card for Tom Taylor (60th, 13-27).

But instead of increasing the pressure and taking shelter, Jefferson Poirot's teammates relaxed, like Jalibert countered in his 22 meters by Daniel Ramsay who scored in force (68th). And here is the UBB deprived of the bonus, which it could not win back.

© 2019 AFP

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