Teller Report

The martyr Abu al-Atta spotted a cell of power in the grip of the Ministry of the Interior in Gaza

12/29/2019, 9:46:17 PM

The Ministry of the Interior in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip announced Sunday that it had managed to arrest a cell that collected information about the martyr Baha Abu Al-Ata, a leader in the Al-Quds Brigades, and monitored his movements.

The ministry broadcast a video of a person who sent information about Abu Al-Atta before his assassination with his wife - by bombing his home in Gaza - to an official of the Palestinian Intelligence Service in Ramallah.

According to the video, the cell was assigned this work by a brigadier general who was transferring information related to the martyr Abu al-Atta directly to the Israeli occupation intelligence services.

The Interior Ministry in Gaza stressed that despite this dangerous slip, the Israeli occupation bears full responsibility for the assassination of the martyr Abu al-Atta.

The Palestinian Authority refuses
For its part, the Palestinian Authority rejected the announcement of the Ministry of the Interior in Gaza to arrest a cell belonging to the Palestinian Intelligence Agency, and that it was linked to the assassination of Israel, the military leader in the Islamic Jihad movement, Abu al-Atta.

The spokesman for the Authority’s security establishment, Major General Adnan Al-Damiri, said in a statement that the announcement of the Hamas internal “is a continuation of its campaigns consistent with the campaigns of the occupation against the authority to maintain its coup” in Gaza.

Fatah also considered the matter "baseless lies aimed at covering up the secret understandings between Hamas and Israel", in light of reports talking about the progress of the talks to a long-term calm in Gaza.