Teller Report

Swedish anger against the star: "Asked what the hell he was up to"

12/29/2019, 11:52:39 AM

Karl-Johan Westberg broke both rods in a dramatic quarterfinals. Angrily, he scolded Russian star Aleksander Bolshunov afterwards. - I thought it was he who kicked the stick so I asked what the hell he was doing, Westberg tells SVT Sport.

At first, the Swede got the bottom of the rod trampled, but still managed to keep up the lead.

Then he broke the second stick in the last curve when Aleksander Bolshunov stepped past.

Westberg was eliminated in the quarterfinals - and was cursed afterwards.

- It felt extremely good, but then one of the staff kicks me from behind. It's damn acidic of course, but I knew it was just the rally left and was trying to get a good curve at the end. Then I run with Bolshunov and get rid of the other stick too. Really annoying. It was that the first wand went off that destroyed everything.

What did you think in those situations?

- I try to stay focused and think I'm good at just driving. Driving with one and a half rods is often quite good, but riding with two half rods was difficult.

"Nothing I'm proud of"

What did you and Bolshunov say to each other?

- I thought it was he who kicked the first stick, but I don't know if it was. I asked in English what the hell he was doing. That is unnecessary. To behave like a damn ... I may try to gather myself faster because it is unnecessary to carry on with such things afterwards. It's not something I'm proud of.

- It's kicking and really nasty to kick a stick from behind. You can avoid that. But the second stake before the rally was completely my fault so I can't say anything about it.