Teller Report

Beethoven, the inexhaustible master

12/29/2019, 10:46:16 AM

2020 marks the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth. The musical world will celebrate the occasion with concerts that document "the romantic Beethoven" or "the Beethoven revolutionizes


Updated Saturday, December 28, 2019 - 10:52 pm

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  • Beethoven year. Stellar moments of Beethoven's genius
  • Beethoven year. Beethoven: the dark genius who created an immortal music

2020 marks the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth . The musical world will celebrate the occasion with concerts that document "the romantic Beethoven" or "the revolutionary Beethoven", performing cycles of their symphonies, concerts, sonatas and chamber music. However, there is another aspect of the great composer and his enduring legacy no less worthy of celebration: it is surprising to remember that one of the most popular and influential composers in history was, for more than half of

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