Teller Report

Sweden got revenge - crushed Switzerland and stormed group victory

12/28/2019, 8:37:22 PM

Last year, Sweden had to leave the junior World Cup already after the quarterfinals when the team surprisingly fell against Switzerland. Tonight there was no talk of the matter when the Junior crowns ran over Switzerland and won by 5-1. The 50th straight group game victory in JVM and Sweden now storms against group victory.

Sweden took the second straight victory in JVM and has everything in their own hands to win the group - the return.

In the meeting with Switzerland, it was a lot about Samuel Fagemo initially, who scored two goals during the first ten minutes and had then scored three of Sweden's five goals in this tournament. Nils Höglander, who stood for the spectacular goal in the opening match, played up to 2-0.

- It is incredibly well done by Höglander who wins the loose puck. Fagemo does what he is best at - to go on goal. That's where the puck gets and he bumps it between his legs. This chain has started up well and the collaboration between all three looks very good, says SVT's expert, Mikael Renberg.

The first 20 minutes paved the way for a Swedish victory, a period that Renberg was very pleased with.

- It is actually a very good period of Sweden. I always try to find something negative but I can't find anything during this period.

After just over half the match, Sweden led 5-0 and could then win 5-2.