Teller Report

PSOE and ERC meet in Madrid to unlock the investiture of Pedro Sánchez

12/27/2019, 8:46:21 PM

The negotiating teams of the PSOE and ERC have held a meeting in Madrid this Friday to try to unlock the investiture of the socialist candidate Pedro Sánchez, according to

The negotiating teams of the PSOE and ERC have held a meeting in Madrid this Friday to try to unlock the investiture of the socialist candidate Pedro Sánchez, as sources from the Catalan Republicans have confirmed to EL MUNDO.

In the meeting there have been "advances", although the meeting has not finished closing.

The meeting between the Socialists and the Republicans has taken place at a time of 'impasse' waiting for the State Advocacy to make known the brief of allegations after the European Justice ruling on the former Vice President of the Generalitat and leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras.

This same Friday, the spokeswoman for the acting Executive, Isabel Celaá, has assured that the negotiations between both parties are still "ongoing" waiting to know the Advocacy document.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • ERC
  • Madrid
  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Isabel Celaá
  • Oriol Junqueras
  • Politics
  • President's Investiture
  • Catalonia independence

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