Teller Report

Militias plunder medical aid, child vaccines and medicines

12/27/2019, 10:14:09 PM

Medical sources in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, revealed that the Houthi coup militias carried out large-scale thefts and pillages, for allocations and expenditures of aid provided by the World Health Organization to support routine vaccination campaigns implemented in areas controlled by the Houthi militias. The sources indicated that

Medical sources in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, revealed that the Houthi militia's coup militia carried out extensive theft and looting operations, for the allocations and expenditures of aid provided by the World Health Organization to support routine vaccination campaigns implemented in areas controlled by the Houthi militias.

The sources pointed out that the militias plundered 600 million riyals of the aid programs provided by the organization in the health aspect, whether related to combating epidemics and rampant diseases, or with regard to vaccination campaigns and routine vaccines implemented with the full support of the organization, for the benefit of the Houthi militias and their leaders.

The sources confirmed that the Ministry of Health, which is under the control of the militias, has kept the swine flu vaccines provided by the United Nations, and refused to distribute them to hospitals and health centers, and imposed money on the authorities who want to get the vaccines.

The same sources indicated that she was surprised that these vaccines were sold to private hospitals by Houthi Ministry of Health officials, in exchange for exorbitant amounts of money.

She also spoke of extensive thefts and looting of aid allocations and expenditures, provided by the World Health Organization to support routine vaccination campaigns, which are being implemented in areas controlled by the Houthi militias, with the support of the World Health Organization.

The Houthi authorities controlling the capital, Sanaa, had recently confessed to the death of 94 people with the H1N1 flu epidemic, after weeks of trying to mislead public opinion, about the spread of the epidemic and its danger.

However, medical sources reported that the number of deaths in the epidemic reached 346 people in Sana'a until December 15, in light of the severe fear among the population with the accelerating spread of the epidemic.

It is noteworthy that the Houthi Ministry of Health is one of the most ministries that loot international aid provided to support patients, and to continuously confront epidemics and outbreaks in Houthi-controlled areas.