Teller Report

Human traffickers help IS suspects flee

12/27/2019, 7:43:16 PM

Human traffickers charge to bribe guards and help IS suspects flee from al-Hollägret in northwestern Syria, relatives of SVT News say. - They were moving about SEK 90,000 for my daughter, says one dad.

As SVT News reported earlier in December, a group of women, including Swedish, fled with their children from al-Hollägret. In part of the camp are those suspected of having links to the terrorist group Islamic State, IS.

It was with the help of human traffickers that these women managed to escape. But their escape was not long.

- It is a group of smugglers who work with Kurdish guards and their leaders who mutated and who smuggled them from there. They would move on to another city in Syria, but they were arrested, taken by the Kurds and handed over to the Syrian army, the father says.

Paid SEK 90,000

He had had telephone contact with her daughter while she was still in al-Hollägret. The women and children had been taken to an apartment. There they had to wait for a few days until the money had reached the smugglers.

- It was about SEK 90,000 for my daughter. And then there would be additional costs for them moving from one city to the other and it would cost another $ 3,000, says the father.

What do the smugglers say? What went wrong?

- They provide different versions. One places the blame on the other and we are now in a dilemma. No one is prepared to take on the debt. Now it is about human life, about the future and life of children, who are basically Swedes. The children are 120 percent innocent. They have not hurt anyone or committed anything, says the father.

The look determines the price

Other relatives like SVT News have also been in contact with witnesses that they have received similar offers from human smugglers. Their daughters can be smuggled out for a cost of up to $ 15,000, equivalent to just over SEK 140,000.

The price depends, among other things, on appearance, you do not seem to come from the Middle East will be more expensive, relatives say.

Svt News has sought the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which asks us to come back on Saturday.

Swedish Foreign Ministry writes in a message to SVT News: "The Foreign Ministry knows the information and has been in contact with relatives but otherwise does not want to say anything about the case."