Teller Report

Vox claims that ERC has asked Sánchez "the head" of the head of the Civil Guard in Catalonia

12/26/2019, 6:13:26 PM

Vox gives the alarm to a possible relief in the direction of the Civil Guard in Catalonia for purely political interests of the PSOE. It would be one of the "requirements" of the package

  • Profile: Pedro Garrido, general head of the Civil Guard in Catalonia: a tanned man in the 'years of lead'
  • Speech: The dome of the Mossos leaves offended the employer act of the Civil Guard in Catalonia

Vox gives the alarm to a possible relief in the direction of the Civil Guard in Catalonia for purely political interests of the PSOE. It would be one of the "requirements" of the compensation package that ERC is demanding from Pedro Sánchez in the negotiations to support his investiture as president of the Government, as stated on Thursday by the general secretary of the Vox Group in Congress, Macarena Olona.

Specifically, ERC would be asking for "the head" of General Pedro Garrido. And, this high command of the Civil Guard in Catalonia takes time in the spotlight of independence, because it has been who has had to struggle on the ground in these difficult and intense years. As regards the illegal referendum of 1-O to, more recently, the Judas operation , in which a group of CDRs with explosive material for violent actions was dismantled.

In line with the Judas operation , Garrido solved independence in October by saying in a speech that "the alleged revolution of smiles" has become "more easily than desired in the rictus that conceals hatred and meanness capable of generating destruction, pain and suffering. " That made the dome of the Mossos leave the act. On another occasion he warned that they have to deal with "supremacist independence."

Olona, ​​who because of her work as a State attorney in the Basque Country maintains good contacts in the Civil Guard, said that the information that "arrives" is that ERC has raised the "head" of Garrido as "requirement", and trusted that this "not be confirmed". Making public his fear that Sanchez folds to ERC also aims to have the Government be portrayed and stopped.

"ERC applies the manual of the perfect extortionist taught by the PNV," said the deputy of Vox on Twitter, which alludes to her personal experience. Olona was transferred from the Basque Country to the General Secretariat of Mercasa in August 2017 in a controversial decision of the PP Government. He then linked to the negotiations that Mariano Rajoy had with the Basque nationalists to support the Budgets.

She had participated, among other matters, in the claims of various public aid obtained by the PNV for projects that suffered a thunderous failure (Karrantza, Hiriko or the Epsilon team). Now, Vox spokeswoman warns: if Pedro Garrido falls as a currency in the investiture, "Congress will shake."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Vox
  • ERC
  • Civil Guard
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • PSOE
  • Catalonia

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