Teller Report

Turkey announces dispatch of troops to provisional government support in western Libya

12/26/2019, 11:19:15 PM

With the country split between East and West and fighting in Libya in North Africa, Turkey's President Erdogan is s ...

Declaration of military dispatch policy for provisional government support in western Libya, Turkey 27:08 on December 27

With the country split between East and West and fighting in Libya in North Africa, Turkey's President Erdogan has announced plans to send troops in support of a provisional government in the West. If Turkey actually sends troops, it is feared that nations supporting eastern military organizations will take on military intervention.

In Libya, the country has been divided after the collapse of the Gaddafi government eight years ago in the Arab Spring in the Democratization Movement, with continued fighting between the transitional western government and the eastern military organization and many casualties. Is out.

`` We will stand by the legitimate government of Libya and respond to their requests, '' said Turkish President Erdogan, who signed a military agreement with the United Nations and other western transitional government this month, on Tuesday. Has announced a policy of dispatching military units to assist.

He then expressed the idea of ​​installing the necessary parliamentary approval for troop dispatch early next month.

The United Nations has accused Libya of providing aid to either east or west by arms, but none has officially dispatched troops to engage in military intervention.

It is feared that countries that support eastern military organizations will take on military intervention if Turkey actually sends troops to support the transitional government in the west.

The Russian Presidency overcame Turkey on Tuesday, announcing that Putin had spoken with Italian Prime Minister Conte on the phone and agreed on the need to resolve the situation in Libya peacefully.

Meanwhile, Egyptian President Sissi, who supports a military organization based in eastern Libya, held a series of telephone talks with US President Trump and Italian Prime Minister Conte on the situation in Libya.

According to the Egyptian Presidency, President Shish in a telephone call with President Trump shows Egypt's stance to promote peace and stability in Libya, and the importance of the role of eastern military organizations in the fight against terrorism. That is to emphasize.

He further expressed strong concern that foreign forces needed to end illegal interference in Libya.

President Sissi also said in a telephone call with Italian Prime Minister Conte that he had stepped up efforts to address the worsening situation in Libya.

President Sissi is likely to reiterate his position in support of eastern military organizations, and to control Turkey in full swing of military support for the provisional government in the west.

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