Teller Report

Sanchez is not taken for granted

12/26/2019, 1:39:14 AM

The reactions to the King's Christmas discourse have not been long in coming. They usually serve to reveal the position of each party based on their interests. A message vertebrate by l

The reactions to the King's Christmas discourse have not been long in coming. They usually serve to reveal the position of each party based on their interests. A message based on the defense of unity and moderation as the basis for progress cannot be liked by any political force committed to overflowing the Constitution. That is why we cannot be surprised by the reactions of Gabriel Rufián and Quim Torra to the words of Felipe VI. The parliamentary spokesman for ERC, faithful to his jester, compared the Twitter message of the Crown with a Vox rally. As for the still president of the Generalitat, he took advantage of the traditional floral offering to the tomb of Francesc Macià, in the cemetery of Montjuïc, to lash out against Spanish democracy spreading once more his insidious propaganda, according to which Spain is a "State that violates human rights, which violates the resolutions of the European courts of justice and denies to the Catalans their inalienable right to exercise self-determination. " Not one of those statements is true, but we already know that the process is basically the display of a monumental lie.

Faced with the disloyal contumacy of the separatists, constitutionalism thanked the call for confidence contained in the King's words. "Felipe VI has once again defended the validity of the Constitution and the unity of Spain," said Pablo Casado, while Inés Arrimadas described the speech as "wise and pertinent"; both seconded the need to trust in Spain as in the best moments of our recent past. For his part, Santiago Abascal applauded "the wisdom and temperance" of the message, avoiding the self-criticism that should inspire His Majesty's appeal to the serenity that flees from polarization: " We must not fall into extremes , nor in a complacency that silences our lacks even in destructive self-criticism. " As for other nationalist or radical parties such as PNV, Bildu or BNG, their criticisms of the speech are perfectly predictable, being openly aligned formations against the national unity that the Crown embodies as a symbol of permanence.

What attracts attention is the silence maintained by PSOE and Podemos. The partners of the hypothetical coalition - and therefore first questioned by the King - let time pass by without pronouncing themselves; When Narbonne finally came out, she did an escapism exercise . Podemos was deprived of attacking the head of state like other years not because Iglesias or Garzón have discovered the advantages of the parliamentary monarchy, but camouflage their radicalism so as not to spoil the power they already feel touching with their fingers. Expectation that removes the vast majority of Spaniards from sleep, as Sanchez said today silently . The ERC partner who does not want to be considered.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Spain
  • We can
  • ERC
  • Philip VI
  • PNV
  • PSOE
  • Pablo Casado
  • Quim Torra
  • Twitter
  • Vox
  • Inés Arrimadas
  • Gabriel Rufián
  • Bildu
  • BNG
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Editorial

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