Teller Report

New separatist outbreak at the Palau de la Música Christmas concert

12/26/2019, 8:25:15 PM

The traditional concert of Sant Esteve, which hosts the Palau de la Música Catalana every December 26, culminated again with a burst of separatist glare broadcast on di

The traditional concert of Sant Esteve, which hosts the Palau de la Música Catalana every December 26, culminated again with a burst of separatist glare broadcast live on TV3.

Again, this year's edition ended with the interpreters - including dozens of children - and the public brandishing independentist teachings and claiming the freedom of imprisoned secessionist leaders, now already under a firm conviction for having organized the illegal referendum of the 1-O.

Many of the members of the Orfeó wore yellow ties throughout the recital, but it was at the end of the concert when the stellar flags flooded the Palau de la Música stage while the audience shouted loudly for the independence of Catalonia and the release of the damned by sedition. As a novelty, the presence of a banner of Tsunami Democràtic carried by members of the choir.

Tsunami Democràtic banner at the recital.EM

The moment of greatest independence independence coincided with the interpretation of El cant de la senyera , a theme that closes the repertoire and coincides, year after year, with the secessionist coven .

As it happened in the last edition for the first time, the choir members also performed the hymn of Els Segadors , which on other occasions ended up spontaneously singing the audience. Among those attending the recital, he highlighted the presence of the President of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, who included the concert in his official agenda.

The concert of Sant Esteve, which has been held since 1913, is one of the annual landmarks of the Palau de la Música and one of the most traditional Christmas concerts in Europe. In these 104 years of history, the concert was only stopped by exceptional circumstances such as the Civil War.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Catalonia
  • Europe
  • Quim Torra

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