Teller Report

Estonian Foreign Minister commented on the situation around Sputnik

12/26/2019, 10:16:15 PM

Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu said that foreign states will not be able to exert pressure on Tallinn due to the situation with the restriction of Sputnik's work in the republic.

“The Republic of Estonia does not succumb to the pressure of any foreign state in matters relating to the implementation of laws on the territory of the republic. As for the situation with Sputnik, the Estonian authorities, in accordance with the Estonian legal order, apply the EU sanctions policy, which also applies to a number of Russian citizens who supported the aggression against Ukraine, ”he wrote on Facebook.

Earlier, the speaker of the Council of the Federation of Russia, Valentina Matvienko, said that Moscow would take retaliatory measures if the Estonian authorities continue their actions against Sputnik Estonia journalists.

On December 18, it was reported that employees of Sputnik Estonia received letters from the Estonian law enforcement services with threats of criminal prosecution if they did not terminate their employment relations with MIA Russia Today by January 1, 2020.