Teller Report

DRC: in Beni, Martin Fayulu denounces the "ineffectiveness" of Monusco - RFI

12/26/2019, 8:43:20 AM

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Martin Fayulu has been conducting a compassionate visit to the battered populations of the territory of

By RFIPosted on 26-12-2019Changed on 26-12-2019 at 09:26

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Martin Fayulu has been conducting a compassionate visit since December 24 to the bruised populations in the territory of Beni, in North Kivu. He challenges the local UN authorities.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa , Pascal Mulegwa

Martin Fayulu paid a Christmas visit to this region where the authorities and the UN have attributed the massacres of civilians for more than five years to the Ugandan rebels of the ADF. For the opponent, who still claims his victory in the last presidential election , the solution to the crisis in the region requires the installation of legitimate authorities.

Accompanied by former Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito, who is also the new Lamuka coordinator, Martin Fayulu arrives at Monusco HQ in Beni and presents himself as the “ president-elect ” on December 30 by the Congolese.

To the heads of the UN mission, he said he would not forgive Monusco for its " ineffectiveness ", which has been criticized by local populations for several years. For him, the massacres intensify in the region, in the presence of plentiful contingents and senior army leaders. If Monusco supports Congolese troops in current operations, it should not support the country's institutions, said Fayulu.

" Beni's evil comes from a man, Joseph Kabila "

Faced with young people from associations and activists from citizens' movements, the opponent did not, however, approve the insurrection against the peacekeepers. We must be " very careful, " he explains, " and not fall into the trap of certain people who want to see Monusco leave and leave the population alone without eyewitnesses to the crimes ."

" Beni's evil comes from a man, Joseph Kabila, " insisted Martin Fayulu in front of thousands of supporters, adding that for him, " there is only one solution : respect for the results of the ballot boxes "

Martin Fayulu ends his visit this Thursday December 26 in Beni, before returning to Kinshasa. Asked about the declarations made by Adolphe Muzito on December 23, about the need for the Democratic Republic of the Congo to declare war on Rwanda , in order to bring peace to this part of the country, Martin Fayulu did not want to take a stand.

    On the same subject

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