Teller Report

Car dealer numbers, area code and age limit: Government clarifies new vehicle registration rules

12/26/2019, 6:13:15 PM

From January 1, 2020, the rules for car registration will change. The relevant decree is published on the government website. Now the car can be registered directly with the car dealer. In addition, the document introduces the separation of the concepts of registration number and sign, as well as the binding of the region code on the numbers to the place of registration of the owner.

The government approved new rules for state registration of cars. The corresponding document was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, according to the website of the Cabinet. The rules enter into force on January 1, 2020.

“The decisions taken will improve the quality and effectiveness of regulating the scope of access to vehicles for use and participation in road traffic, reduce the accident rate and exclude vehicles with a criminal past from circulation,” the government website says.

The document has several fundamental changes, in particular, the ability to register a car directly at a car dealership has been introduced. This will be done by “authorized persons of a specialized organization” - this term is used for the first time.

  • Visitor at a car dealership
  • RIA News
  • © Alexey Sukhorukov

We are talking about employees of organizations, including car dealerships, who will be able to inspect the car and accept documents from the owner for subsequent transfer to the traffic police. If the decision is positive, the dealership employee will receive a vehicle registration certificate (STS) and registration marks for the car owner.

Note that in order to access the new function, the car dealer must be included in the state register.

Commenting on the changes approved by the government, Chairman of the Russian Motorists' Movement Viktor Pokhmelkin welcomed the new procedure for registering vehicles.

“What I can register in the salons is good and convenient for drivers. You don’t have to go anywhere, after buying a car you can leave the passenger compartment directly with the numbers, ”the expert said in an interview with RT.

In turn, the vice-president of the Russian Federation of Car Owners of Russia Dmitry Klevtsov noted that no one had canceled the state’s function of registering vehicles with a document.

“This is just an additional opportunity in the form of a service where a driver, when buying a new car, can carry out all registration actions at a car dealership. But no one cancels the citizen’s right to register a vehicle through the State Service system to any traffic police unit there, ”the expert said in an interview with RT.

Registration number and sign

In addition, the document introduces the concepts of “state registration number” (SRN) and “state registration mark” (GRZ). In the first case, we are talking about a combination of letters and numbers, which the traffic police assigns to a car. In the second, it’s directly about a metal plate with a hot stamp on it, which is installed on the car.

Another important change in the registration rules is associated with GRZ and GRN. Now the region code on the number should match the region code in which the car owner is registered. The previous procedure implied that when registering a car in a certain constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a motorist received registration marks with numbers of this region.

“The assignment of the state registration number of the vehicle is carried out in accordance with the digital code of the region of the place of registration of the vehicle owner,” reads the document effective January 1.

Commenting on the binding of the region code to the place of registration, the chairman of the Russian Motorists' Movement Viktor Pokhmelkin doubted the appropriateness of this change in the current realities.

“On the contrary, we need uniform federal numbers. We have the same rules throughout the country. People migrate, live in one place, and work in another. And this link to the region only introduces disorganization. Moreover, it is completely not connected with the transport tax, ”the expert believes.

Among other things, the new rules prohibit the registration of vehicles for persons under 16 years of age, and also increase the period for which one can register a vehicle temporarily imported from another state to one year.

Additional marking

Earlier, the government approved another document regulating the procedure for registration of transport and coming into force on January 1, 2020. This is a decree that establishes a new procedure for replacing rusted identification numbers on cars.

The document states that the car owner, having discovered a problem with reading the factory identification numbers due to corrosion, repair, forgery or destruction, will be required to put additional markings on the car.

To do this, you must contact the traffic police with a statement that will describe the problem and indicate all the data: identification number, tags, seals and stamps.

As a result of this procedure, the certification body, an accredited testing laboratory or a vehicle manufacturer makes additional markings on non-dismantled parts of the vehicle. Subsequently, the car owner is issued a certificate of work performed.