Teller Report

What did you do with the Skripals? Killed?

12/25/2019, 5:31:14 PM

“Only after the Skripals are presented to the world community in a neutral place, say, in Switzerland, in Geneva, Russia will be able to continue diplomatic relations with Great Britain. Prior to this, no relationship is possible. I repeat, answer: did you kill them?

Have you noticed that Great Britain has calmed down? Of course, there is news there, but they are probably not interesting to news agencies. But recently, the United Kingdom did not leave the main pages of news agencies.

Those who make up our news menu do not consider it necessary to include UK news in it?

Well, something leaks out though, that the queen gave the lion's share of her duties to the great-growing “prince” Charles ...

He is 71 years old, also no longer a boy, but Elizabeth II (she was born in 1926) is already 93 years old, so her son Charles, in comparison with her, is still a “prince”.

British Prime Minister Boris Ali (that was the name of his grandfather), born in 1964 (that is, 55 years old), won parliamentary elections on December 12. But is it smarter than the chosen parliament of the former, it is too early to speak. Let's see how they vote: if again vaguely and contradictory, like the previous composition, then radish horseradish will not be sweeter.

Let's revive the theme of Great Britain.

The Queen is aging steadily. The eternal "Prince" Charles, so, 71 years old. From the time of the Battle of Hastings (1066) there will soon be 1000 years. The old kingdom, the old queen, the old political parties.

“Change!” Sang our Choi. (Or who is it, their John Lennon?)

Changes have already occurred, only a few see them. The prime minister of Great Britain, in fact, is a Turk, the mayor of London is Indian, Britain has long been not as white as at Kipling, only its shell is British. James Bond in the next film, the Bond want to make a black lesbian. (Or is it poisonous rumor for now?) More and more Muslims are populating the United Kingdom, and if things go on like this, very soon the leader of the nation will be called Garun al-Rashid.

What will happen? What to expect?

Relations with Russia. Boris Johnson (Ali) declared the impossibility of "resetting relations with Russia."

“What I really changed my mind about is whether it is possible to reset relations with Russia. I really thought, as I think, many foreign secretaries and ministers thought earlier that we could start all over again with Russia. This is a great country, with which we fought against fascism ... I was very, very disappointed that I was wrong. "

While Johnson is whining exponentially, we are imbued with the idea that in the UK they were abducted, hidden and, possibly, killed Skripali - father and daughter. I have the impression that the British authorities have committed a crime.

In the most severe and rude voice, I ask British Prime Minister Johnson: “What have you done with our Skripals? Did you kill them in the UK? If not, submit them to the world community! ”

Only after the Skripals are presented to the world in a neutral place, say, in Switzerland, in Geneva, Russia will be able to continue diplomatic relations with Great Britain. Prior to this, no relationship is possible. I repeat, answer: did you kill them?

The Russian authorities misbehaved in the Skripals case from the very beginning. They were bewildered by the unprecedented aggressiveness of the criminal British government. Confused and began to refute the allegations. One should not justify oneself, but blame Britain for kidnapping (one of them is a Russian citizen), kidnapping two people and killing them.

After all, we have irrefutable evidence that father and daughter Skripal are stolen, deprived of their liberty and probably killed (and why aren’t they showing us?) In the UK.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.