Teller Report

Tritium water release "No impact if standards are observed" Chairman of NRA

12/25/2019, 10:01:26 AM

Discussions will focus on the idea of ​​diluting water containing tritium etc., which continues to accumulate at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, below the standard and releasing it into the sea or air…

Tritium water release "No effect if standards are observed" Chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority Dec. 25 18:56

The Nuclear Regulation Authority said that a proposal for a proposal to focus on the release of water containing tritium etc., which continues to accumulate at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, below the standard and released into the sea or the atmosphere was presented. Chairman Toyoda Sarada reiterated that the standards and regulations would not have any impact on the environment or health.

Regarding the method of disposing of water containing tritium etc. that continues to accumulate at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, a subcommittee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said on May 23 that it plans to dilute it below the standard and release it to the sea and evaporate it to the atmosphere The draft that recommends that the discussion be advanced mainly was shown.

At a regular press conference on Tuesday, Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman Toyoshi Sarada said, `` If emissions to the sea and to the atmosphere were carried out in accordance with the standards, the environment, health, agricultural and marine products, etc. The impact is not expected. "

He then replied, “When choosing the destination, sea or air is a difficult choice. Depending on the size of the equipment that turns water into steam, the time it takes is I think the emissions are much longer. "